From our favorite publisher for the indie games - Deck13 Interactive,  we have the upcoming thriller title of The Shattering. This game will bring us to the world of dreams where the present and past are intertwined.

This game is coming to the Steam marketplace in Q4 of this year. The game has been developed by the Polish developer - SuperSexySoftware.

The Shattering

The Shattering is a story-driven, first-person game that will bring you to the world of dreams. In this world, you will put on the hat of John Evans to complete the mission of gathering many pieces of the present and the past by following the Doctor's mysterious voice.

In this game, you will have no complicated puzzles, nor failure conditions.

Not like in other thriller game, in this game, you will have no complicated puzzles, nor failure conditions. The gameplay of this game intends to lets you submerge in the mind of the main character. And in fact, you will as you take those small step into the whole twisted mystery of this world of dream. The emotionally and serene soundtrack gives life to every moment of the game. We also have delight visuals and beautiful art style in all the corners of the game.

The emotionally and serene soundtrack gives life to every moment of the game.

In fact, the world of dreams will evolve with you in the center while you are on the mission of discovering the past. The game will feature a nice white aesthetic that you could see very clearly in the screens and trailer above. In The Shattering, you will go through a total of five acts.

Super Sexy Software

This project started from observing on the back and white contract in culture and horror.

This game is a work from pure passion of a group of just 5 friends and the leader is Marta Szymanska. They named the company Super Sexy Software and officially started it in 2013. That is also when those first echoes take form in The Shattering. This project started from observing on the back and white contract in culture and horror. The main theme stretch on the premise that we can achieve fear and horror by using white and the missing of information. This is the opposite of the usual darkness and unseen we usually see in other thriller titles.