MorbidWare launched its well-received indie typing bullet-hell shooter title The Textorcist back in February. Recently, they have released a big update for the game. This content update comes with the name - The Forgotten Relics. This is a free expansion which will add a new mode "Boss Rush", some trinkets for the storyline, plus a new option for difficulty with those boss fights. This update is not a totally new experience, however, it surely adds in some incentive to replay The Textorcist.

The Textorcist Gets A New And Free Content Update
This content update comes with the name - The Forgotten Relics.

The Forgotten Relics expansion

You will get access to Boss Rush mode after finish the campaign, this new mode is just exactly what its name says. You will fight against all the bosses in a new arena, and the reward will be getting your name on the global leaderboard. Successfully completing this mode would unlock new trinkets for the storyline. There are 31 trinkets up for you to grab.

The Textorcist Gets A New And Free Content Update
You will fight against all the bosses in a new arena.

Those trinkets offer new modifications to the campaign's combat. Via defeating the bosses in certain conditions, you will be granted the right to change the game's difficulty level. Making it harder or easier at your own will. By simply defeating the boss, you could earn trinkets of Tier 1. Defeating it with without taking any damage will earn you trinkets of Tier 2. Even more challenging, you could earn trinkets of Tier 3 by not making a single mistake. You will unlock slots by completing chapters in the game's story, then you could equip any trinkets you like.

The Textorcist Gets A New And Free Content Update
You will unlock slots by completing chapters in the game's story.

In my opinion

Actually, I completed The Textorcist a couple of months ago and found it to be OK. It features a good idea with funny lines, however, the game performance is kinda sluggish and these boss fights may have crossed the line between fun and extravagant. Everything was just clunky between moving and typing, though its length is quite reasonable. I'm uncertain if this new update will able to uplift the game or not, but I surely appreciate new free content.

The Textorcist Gets A New And Free Content Update
Everything was just clunky between moving and typing

After all, $7.5 is reasonable for a fun indie shooter game like this.