This game takes the source material from the famous media franchise about catching ghosts. The franchise with that catchy song which everyone keeps on mumbling for years!
Terminal Reality launched the action-adventure video game Ghostbusters: The Video Game back in 2009. Now it is making a comeback with an upcoming remaster for Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. We don't have the confirmed release date yet, but it is due out later 2019.
Let's watch this trailer to see how this revamped version looks different from the original 10-year-old title:
Ghostbusters: The Video Game 2009

The original game has a story written by Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd. It also starred all the cast from the media franchise. It was among the best video game adaptations from movies of the last console generation. The game was also among the last games ever made by Terminal Reality (which is out of business now).

Therefore, now it is Mad Dog Games and Saber Interactive who own the rights to the title and are remastering it. They are also the publisher and developer of the well-known NBA Playgrounds series.
A great game by all standards
In this title, you will step in the shoes of a no-name new member to the ghostbusters group. Inevitably, ghouls and ghosts overrun New York city again. And it is your mission to clean that up. This adventure is full of callbacks from the 1984 film and the sequel released back in 1989.

The storyline of the game was pretty solid, and it benefitted a lot from Aykroyd, Ramis, Bill Murray,m Ernie Hudson, and Annie Potts voice works. Especially, Hudson delivered a pitch-perfect voice inside the job at the Museum of History.

Moreover, the gameplay that features all kind of ghost busting tools from PKE meters to proton packs was enjoyable and fun. But the multiplayer co-operative features was underrated and overlooked. Fixing that would be an excellent value-add for the upcoming remastered version.