The Legend of Zelda is a popular video game franchise developed by Nintendo. The series began in 1986 with the release of the first game on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), and has since become one of Nintendo's most successful and enduring franchises.
The games typically follow the adventures of a young hero named Link as he sets out to rescue Princess Zelda and save the kingdom of Hyrule from various villains, such as the evil wizard Ganon. The gameplay is often centered around puzzle-solving, exploration, and combat.
In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the top 10 best Legend of Zelda games ever released.
1. Ocarina of Time
The top contenders were neck and neck, with Breath of the Wild being a strong contender. However, on further reflection, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is the pioneer and most influential game in the franchise and possibly in the history of gaming. This game was a breakthrough as it introduced the 3D world and revolutionized gameplay.

We were able to explore Hyrule in a fresh way, including traversing between two different periods to rescue the kingdom from Ganon. The game also introduced new musical scores and iconic characters like Shiek, Epona, and many more. Although the Water Temple was a frustrating challenge, every game has its flaws, but this game still reigns supreme and deserves its place at the top.
2. Breath of the Wild
The most recent addition to the series almost claimed the top spot as well. The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild was revealed during a challenging time for Nintendo, but it amazed everyone when it was announced. The game became a must-have for Nintendo Switch owners when it was launched and has become the highest-selling game in the franchise's history.

The game's key feature was its open-world design, which allowed players to freely explore and complete tasks in any order they desired, even completing mini-dungeons before the main ones. Additionally, the game boasted impressive voice acting, stunning graphics, and an enjoyable reimagining of the game's lore. Overall, Breath of the Wild was a delightful experience from beginning to end.
3. Twilight Princess
Our next selection may spark some debate, but we stand by our choice.
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess is undoubtedly one of the franchise's finest games. One could argue that this game explored more somber and intense themes than its predecessors. Despite the limitations of the Wii system, the game boasted impressive visuals, and the motion controls were not as bad as many people remember.

Additionally, Twilight Princess introduced memorable characters like Midna and Wolf Link, and it featured the intriguing Twilight Realm. The game's dungeons and boss battles were also exceptional. The game's emotional ending is one of the most heart-wrenching, and it brings together a profound and impactful story that is a must-play.
4. A Link To The Past
There are games that take the foundation laid by their predecessors and build upon it so significantly that they become the benchmark for all future games. The Legend of Zelda A Link To The Past achieved this status in many ways for the franchise. Even when compared to later 3D titles, this game had everything that future Zelda games would offer and more.

Did you want an expansive world to explore? The game had it. Did you want to travel to different dimensions? The game had that too. Did you want to use various items to navigate through challenging dungeons? Yes, the game had that as well. Ganon and the Master Sword were also present in the game for the first time.
Overall, The Legend of Zelda A Link To The Past is a legendary game that encompasses everything that fans love about the franchise.
5. Majora's Mask
Nintendo wanted to continue capitalizing on the 3D style that had proven successful. The company instructed the Legend of Zelda team to develop a new title in under a year, which led to the creation of The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask.

Unlike other games in the franchise, Majora's Mask takes place in the land of Termina instead of Hyrule, among other significant differences.
In contrast to seven dungeons in previous games, Majora's Mask has only four. Additionally, the game introduces time travel elements that allow players to repeat the last three days before the moon crashes into Termina, destroying everything in its path. The mask mechanic and the "3 Days Remain" dynamic add a fun, strange, and challenging element to the game, which most fans consider one of the best in the series.
6. Skyward Sword
Some people have mixed opinions about The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, which was released for the Wii. While many critics praised the game and its motion controls, fans had different views. However, upon reflection, it's possible to see both the strengths and weaknesses of the game.

For example, the game serves as the origin story for the series, revealing the true connections between Zelda, Link, and Ganon, and how Hyrule came to be. The creation of the Master Sword is also depicted, and we see the price that was paid for it.
The characterization of Zelda in the game is particularly noteworthy, as she's not portrayed as a helpless princess, but as a strong and multi-dimensional character with a distinct personality.
Additionally, exploring the world of Skyloft and discovering more about the franchise's future lore was an enjoyable experience.
7. The Legend of Zelda (Original)
The inception of a franchise often marks a humble beginning. However, who could have predicted that one such game would pave the way for a legacy that lasts decades? The Legend of Zelda was born out of Shigeru Miyamoto's fascination with exploring his hometown, inspiring him to create the story of Link and his heroic mission to rescue Princess Zelda.

The game was a game-changer in many ways, with too many advancements to count. Additionally, the game features classic lore right from the start, including the infamous characters such as Ganon and the Tri-Force.
The game's most significant advancements were the expansive overworld and intricate dungeons. These features were groundbreaking and had never been seen before in games of that era. This game set the tone for countless games to come in the future.
With 6.5 million units sold on the NES, the game became an instant hit and a legend in the making.
8. Link's Awakening Remake
It is noteworthy that the remake of a beloved game surpasses the original game in many ways. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Remake was a pleasant surprise when it was announced for the Nintendo Switch in 2019. Despite having an anime-style introduction, the game has a chibi-style of art that may initially appear off-putting, but don't be deceived - the game is still a classic in any form of art.

Furthermore, with the Switch, you can take the game anywhere you go. In addition, there is a new dungeon creator feature that adds to the game's enjoyment. All of the elements of the original game are present, but they are more spectacular than ever.
9. The Wind Waker
Following the success of the N64 titles, fans eagerly awaited the announcement of the next Zelda title on the new console. Nintendo first teased a 3D battle between Link and Ganon, but then revealed The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, which surprised many due to its cell-shaded look. Despite initial skepticism, the gameplay quickly won people over, and the game was recognized as a worthy addition to the franchise.

The story of the game was one of the darker entries in the series, with a flooded world, hidden protectors, and a king who was also a boat. However, the game's ranking on this list is lower due to the time-consuming nature of sailing to collect the Tri-Force, which was eventually fixed in later versions.
Despite this issue, the game was still fantastic, and the cell-shaded look was ultimately well-received by fans.
10. A Link Between Worlds
The Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds, which is considered the successor to the SNES classic, offers a fresh take on the formula by introducing the alternate universe of Lorule. This new realm features different versions of familiar characters, and Link must travel between them to save both worlds from a new, yet familiar threat.

The game is a perfect fit for the 3DS, as it uses its graphics to beautifully illustrate the world. It also introduces new mechanics, such as the ability to rent items from the enigmatic Ravi. The story is complex and features some exciting twists along the way. While it may not be as impressive as other games in the series, it still does an excellent job.
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