Picking the right weapon is very important in GTA Online. While the PvE combat is not really a challenge, you need the best weapon possible to deal with other players. In this article, we are going to showcase the top 5 best guns to buy in GTA Online in 2022.
1. Pump Shotgun MK II
The Vom Feuer Pump Shotgun Mk II is a weapon that appears in GTA Online as part of the Doomsday Heist update. The Pump Shotgun MK2 costs $82,500 to convert and is much more powerful than its base version. The best part about the weapon is the range - you can even use it in mid range fights without having to change.

While the Assault Shotgun is more practical, the Pump Shotgun MK2 is much more entertaining to use. Players can load it up with explosive ammo that's very difficult to counter. Furthermore, explosive ammo also triggers a crazy ragdoll effect upon a kill.
2. Heavy Sniper MK II
The Vom Feuer Heavy Sniper Mk II is a weapon that appears in GTA Online as part of the Gunrunning update. It is the best sniper rifle in the game, with access to the highly advanced Thermal scope. With this attachment equipped, players can shoot enemies in dark areas much more easily. Furthermore, heat signals can appear outside of the radar range, which allows players to snipe enemies at a ludicrous range.

It can also be fitted with other useful attachments such as extended magazine, suppressor, and other types of ammunition. Explosive ammunition deserves a special mention, as they are highly destructive against unarmored vehicles and humans.
3. Combat MG MK II
The Combat MG Mk II is a weapon that appears in GTA Online as part of the Gunrunning update. Overall, it improves the overall damage of the normal combat MG, with the extra ability to double the size of its magazine. Once equipped with this weapon, players don't need to worry about reloading any more.

All the firepower makes the Combat MG MK II deadly against unarmored targets. It can be modified with a muzzle brake, grip and scope which further improve its accuracy and stabilizes the recoil. A fully geared Combat MG MK II is a very reliable and consistent weapon when performing takedowns at most ranges.
4. Special Carbine MK II
The Vom Feuer Special Carbine Mk II is a weapon that appears in GTA Online as part of the Doomsday Heist update. Compared to other assault rifles, it only has the 2nd highest DPS but is much easier to use than the first spot.

Additionally, the weapon can retain its stellar accuracy and minimal spread during fully automatic fire, particularly when equipped with attachments such as the grip.
5. Heavy Revolver MK II
The Hawk & Little Heavy Revolver Mk II is a weapon featured in GTA Online as part of the Doomsday Heist update. It is one of the best pistols in the game, with the ability to pack an amazing punch.

Compared to the default Heavy Revolver, it deals +25% damage per shot (200 instead of 160) and shoots almost 50% faster (due to it being used in double-action mode as opposed to single-action), making its damage output almost doubled.
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