July is finally hitting the town. This means many of your long-awaited new games are on their way to your device as well!

We might have announced all of those game for you earlier, but in case you missed it, here's the complication on the new titles that come in July!

Let's get right into it!

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers

Supported platforms: PC, PS4

Release date: July 2

Final Fantasy VII remake might be a great contender, but it's still far from coming. While waiting for the return of a masterpiece, Square Enix will release the third expansion for Final Fantasy XIV. Its name is Shadowbringers, and it brings a lot of additional features to the game.

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers

This expansion provides nine additional dungeons as well as two new raids. What's more fascinating is that one of these two raids will take inspiration from Nier: Automata.

Apart from that, Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers also features two new races coming accordingly with two new jobs. They're the tiger-form race Hrothgar with the new job of Gunbreaker, and the race with bunny ears Viera with the job of Dancer.

Sea of Solitude

Supported platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One

Release date: July 5

The Origin-exclusive title Sea of Solitude is an emotional journey from EA. It tells the story of a little girl Kay that turned into a dark creature after suffering from loneliness. In order to turn back into a human, she'll have to discover the flooded city in which the weathers change over time.

Sea of Solitude

Learning from events from the past and facing her own feelings is the key to lead her back to the human's world. Further information about its features and gameplay can be found it our article here. But to summarize, it's a mixture of adventuring and puzzle-solving, embellished by a touching story about human's feelings.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order

Supported platforms: Nintendo Switch

Release date: July 19

Avengers: Endgame is getting on the cinema's screens the second time. As a result, this game's objective is to prolong the hype for the fans of the franchises!

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order takes the setting in a completely different universe. However, you can still crush bad guys using your favorite superheroes from the Avengers and Guardian of the Galaxy.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order

In this game, you'll have to defeat Thanos and The Black Order to save the universe. Later after the game launches, other heroes will come to the team with DLC (and microtransactions as well!)

The game is exclusive on Switch, so Marvel's fans should save money now to experience the life of a superhero!

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Supported platforms: Nintendo Switch

Release date: July 26

Switch fans might be the luckiest ones this month, as various epic new games are making its way to Nintendo's device only. A week after Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 comes out, Fire Emblem: Three Houses is welcoming players to try it.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

It's the sixteenth installment in the Fire Emblem series, takes you to the world of Fódlan - which is divided into three nations. Amidst the three kingdoms is the Officer's Academy - in which students from all three lands gathered. The story will pivot around a teacher (your character, whose default name is "Byleth") and three of your students from the three nations: Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude.

This game will see a brand new story, graphics enhancement, and new combat arts. And with the brand's reputation, that's more than enough reasons for you to purchase it immediately when the game come out!

Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Supported platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Release date: July 26

Revealed during E3, Youngblood is another title in the Wolfenstein series from Bethesda. In this game, the protagonists will be BJ Blazkowicz's twin daughters, on their journey to find their lost father.

Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Wolfenstein: Youngblood brings some similarities in the gameplay to Dishonored, as well as the chances to shoot down the Nazi threat. And yes, it's always more fun to play with friends, as this title supports two-player co-op through the whole game.


These mentioned new games are only the biggest names to come this July. In fact, there are a lot of new games set to release this month as well, including Dr. Mario World and Dragon Quest Builders 2.

However, the five games above are the must-try ones, and the information about other titles will be updated on Gurugamer in the future.

So, stay tuned to get more updates!