Feel The Snow would put you inside the shoes of a Snowman, who was stranded in a snowy wasteland and must defend against the attacks of other deadly creatures. The world around you is a sandbox -  generated randomly every new playthrough. As an Action/Adventure/RPG, the game has a little bit of everything. First, you have the character system: Two snowmen named Annie and Willie are unlocked at first, with a couple more that you can discover while playing the game. The secondary aspects to be considered are the usual components that all action-adventure game has: a dynamic combat system, decent storyline, survival and RPG elements.

Attacking a hostile camp

The whole thing is generated in pixels art, which enables the developers more space for creativity, as they would not have to spend too much effort on creating unique content. The further you get into the storyline, the better those new locations and events would get.

Building your own house, piece by piece

The side actions, however, are the real meat of this game. If you get bored with the combat – there would be an array of interesting activities available for you to take – you can go do puzzles, crafting, fishing, farming, and lastly, design your home. It’s like a version of Stardew Valley but in winter.

Overall, this is an excellent life sim that can even rival Harvest Moon in complexity. You can gather the components found while fighting to craft new weapons to fight bosses, growing a garden to create heal items and sell for resources. There is even a coop mode included in-game as well, in case you find some of the boss to be too challenging.

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