All over the world there are place you can go to and find a love for gaming. The world of video games is one that has expanded to various corners of the globe. This means it is very easy to find so many different gamers of different nationalities. Not only does this help the gaming world be more inclusive and diverse, but games have greater opportunity to connect with more interesting people. Gaming can actually be a great social tool. So don’t be afraid to make an effort to conversate with people while gaming online. 

One country that has a big love for gaming is India. Here, there are plenty of people who are massively into gaming and enjoy playing as much as they can. It should be no surprise that the biggest titles in the world also hold their popularity in India. Here are some of the most beloved and popular games that Indian gamers love. 

Casino Games 

All over the world, you are going to have a huge amount of different casinos. This is because this kind of fun and entertainment can be enjoyable, no matter what nationality you are. In India, there are a lot of people who love casino games. Of course, there are plenty of great casinos in India. However, a lot of people are also going to do their gaming at online sites like Here, they can play all of the casino classics, such as blackjack and roulette. Websites like this offer up all of the fun and excitement you could want from a casino, all from the comfort of your own home. Spin Casino in particular have used computer generated characters to offer unique experiences like Vinny Jones Roulette and even a variant where you can have a conversation with him. Not to mention with an excellent array of payment methods, such as Skrill and Neteller, it has never been more accesibile. So it is not surprising to see these games get so much love in India. 

Call of Duty 

There are few games that have packed more action into their gameplay than Call of Duty. With amazing graphics, maps and realism, there is so much to love about this first person shooter franchise. Bringing out a new game every year, gamers all around are faced with new challenges and new ways to play. This is one of the many reasons why the franchise is so popular in India. Gamers in India really appreciate all of the hard work that goes into the development of COD. Which can be seen by the massive numbers of gamers they produce in the game. 


Not even 10 years ago, Fortnite took the world by storm. India was no exception to this, and the Indian gaming community still loves the battle royale adventure. Fortnite has been able to take fun and colorful graphics and use them to create an exciting and action packed experience. When you are competing against so many other people, there is no doubt that a win is going to feel amazing. Which is a big part of why there is still so much love for the game.