Drawing inspiration from "Getting Over It", "A Difficult Game About Climbing" delivers a great physics-based climbing experience. Gurugame.com's review today evaluates its pros and cons, and overall value to help you decide if it's worth investing your time and money in. Let’s get started.

A Difficult Game About Climbing Overview

"A Difficult Game About Climbing" (ADGAC) is a recently launched challenging physics-based game where players use a hammer to navigate treacherous terrain, with the risk of falling and being set back to the beginning. 

"A Difficult Game About Climbing" (ADGAC) is a recently launched challenging physics-based game.

There isn't a story in A Difficult Game About Climbing. You play as a nearly bald guy who's just climbing as high as possible. Actually, these kinds of games don't need a story because they're all about the gameplay.

In ADGAC, you can control both of their character's hands to reach out, grab objects, and pull your body up. Here are some of the game’s main features:

  • Easy-to-use controls coupled with challenging levels
  • Gameplay based on punishing physics
  • Instances that might just spoil your day

Generally, ADGAC lives up to its name. While its controls are straightforward to grasp, progressing through or completing it is anything but easy. It's exceptionally challenging yet not insurmountable, enticing players to persist until they're utterly exasperated. The game achieves its goal of delivering a demanding climbing experience to its players.

A Difficult Game About Climbing Gameplay

As its name suggests, the game is truly challenging and revolves entirely around climbing. The controls are a breeze to pick up. Nevertheless, the gameplay is intentionally difficult, leading to moments of frustration. The level design presents important challenges but remains achievable. Overcoming these obstacles after hours of attempts can evoke a sense of accomplishment.

The game is truly challenging and revolves entirely around climbing.

A Difficult Game About Climbing Graphics & Audio

A Difficult Game About Climbing’s graphics are simple yet pleasing. The levels, while somewhat random, are well-designed. Also, the game offers diverse map designs, starting with climbs on limestone formations over water and progressing to waterfalls or urban settings. That said, reaching these areas can be quite challenging.

Audio-wise, ADGAC solely features sound effects without any music or soundtrack. While this may disappoint some players, we found it fitting for the game's style. Nonetheless, some players get annoyed with the sound of waves (due to repeated falls). In this case, turn off the in-game sound and listen to your playlist instead.

A Difficult Game About Climbing’s graphics are simple yet pleasing.

A Difficult Game About Climbing Price

ADGAC is priced at just $9.99 (INR 836), which is quite affordable. While it's enjoyable, be prepared for moments that might make you want to quit in frustration, possibly to the extent that you never pick up the game again. If you are into puzzle and platform games with simple rules, then this game is worth the investment, download the game here on Steam. However, if that's not your cup of tea, you might want to explore other titles.

ADGAC is priced at just $9.99 (INR 836), which is quite affordable.

A Difficult Game About Climbing Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
Simple Controls

  • Much like Getting Over It, the controls in "A Difficult Game About Climbing" are straightforward to understand. There are no complicated mechanics, complex combos, or an excessive number of buttons to control. Anyone can download and play the game, from a 10-year-old kid to… a grandparent.
Might make you mad

  • A Difficult Game About Climbing is likely to test your patience, particularly if you find yourself repeatedly falling at the same spot or tumbling back to the beginning after making significant progress. It's important not to let anger cloud your judgment, as rushing to recover lost ground often leads to careless mistakes. A tip for you is to play music and take brief breaks whenever frustration builds. This can help maintain your composure and improve your focus when you return to the game.
Challenging Yet Not Impossible

  • The game's high difficulty is intentional and fits perfectly with its design. Despite being challenging, it's not unconquerable. As a result, overcoming obstacles after hours of struggle feels incredibly rewarding.

A Difficult Game About Climbing FAQs

Will players always start the game from the beginning?

There will be additional bodies of water to descend onto if you've gone far enough. Yet, there's still a chance you might miss these and plummet back to your initial starting point.

Is ADGAC the sequel to Getting Over It?

Of course not. The game is just inspired by Getting Over It. It’s produced by a different developer.

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