Final Fantasy VII Remake is a project announced by Square Enix in 2015. This is a remake of the PlayStation game in 1997 - Final Fantasy VII. It retails the original story of mercenary Cloud Strife. He and the eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE went against the corrupted corporation Shinra, and Shinra's veteran Sephiroth.

The gameplay incorporates a real-time action feature similar to Dissidia Final Fantasy, with strategic elements. The game will launch as a multi-part series. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Development Status The game will launch as a multi-part series. In the game, you can change the characters at any time with just a trigger, which is visualized by a camera glitch. But even when you use a character, says Cloud, you have access to all the skills of the others via the Tactical Mode.

Final Fantasy VII Remake was released for PlayStation 4 on April 10, 2020.