Last weekends, CS:GO communities from all over the world was shaken with a bad news.
Right middle the Extremesland Asia CS:GO Tournament, a player from OpTic India, Nikhil 'forsaken' Kumawat was caught while using a cheating program. This was the first time a cheater was caught during a LAN tournament. The result of cheating is a 5-years banned from any CS:GO professional tournaments.
But, instead of regrets using cheating software, Kumawat try to blame CS:GO, and he even said that playing the game was his bad decision.
The match in question happened during the Extremesland Asia tournament, between OpTic India and team Revolution. According to CSGO2Asia, the match was paused for more than 20 minutes by the organizers, after some suspicious actions from OpTic India players were discovered. With further investigation, the organizers discovered a cheat program was running on Kumawat's PC. A video recorded Kumawat trying to delete the evidence also got shared to the internet and became viral.
The match where "forsaken" was caught cheating. Pay attention to his irregular checks and pre-fire.
Yet, it was soon discovered that this is not the first time Kumawat using cheats during a professional tournament.
With further investigations, the ESIC (an organization that in charge of investigating cheating and doping in esports) said that Kumawat had also cheated during the ESL India Premiership. Thanks to that, OpTic India was reigned champion and won 6,750 USD. The punishment for Kumawat is a five-year ban from any professional esports tournament.
After this incident, OpTic Gaming soon announced that they have parted way with their CS:GO Indian roster. Kumawat's team, now without an organization, disbanded soon after.

On an interview with AFK Gaming, Nikhil Kumawat said: “If I could go back I would probably delete the day when I first played Counter Strike. Nothing good has happened to me since the day I started playing the game.” According to him, the cheat program only gave him a slight aiming advantage, not something too critical to the game. The reason for cheating is he felt confident about his knowledge, yet his aiming was weak and wants to find a way to compensate for his weakness.
“I lost everything when putting CS above everything and today I lost CS too,” he said. “The only thing I never lost is my family and my girlfriend and I hope to never cheat on them.”