As MortaL has previously announced, SouL is going to expand to other titles other than PUBG Mobile and get new members. The first member was Blaezi, who joined SouL in their PUBG Mobile roster for the upcoming Fall Season. The second new member of SouL also was just revealed. His name is Devdeep aka Zeref, a Youtuber and streamer who has 47 thousand subscribers on his channel.

Zeref started out as a PUBG Mobile streamer but he has recently switched to PC titles such as Valorant. Zeref is going to join SouL as a PC content creator, the first non-competitive member of team SouL ever. It is great to see this change as everyone has always been seeing team SouL as just an esports team. This will give SouL a gradual progression toward being a gaming organization.
Many organization in India has also done this and it will help create more diversity in the gaming industry in India and not just PUBG Mobile.
Team SouL is also looking for another new player to add to their PUBG Mobile roster and make it a 6-man line-up. The current roster of team SouL included.
- Naman ‘MortaL’ Mathur
- Yash ‘VipeR’ Soni
- Varad ‘Blaezi’ Kadtan
- Parv ‘Regaltos’ Singh
- Dhruv Sangwan
A new season of PUBG Mobile esports is coming and this could be a huge chance for team SouL to get their performance back. Team SouL was once the best PUBG Mobile team in India, but their performance went down a lot during the PUBG Mobile Spring Season of 2020 so they failed to get into the PMWL East. However, they are still having a huge number of fans behind their back to support them and waiting for them to come back.
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