The KFC Royale Call of Duty: Black Ops 4: Blackout tournament has come to an end. The competition took place last Sunday and saw 16 teams competing hard for the final victory. And the best duo of the tournament was Spratt and WarsZ.

Spratt and WarsZ duo defeated Syndicate and Sebi duo in the final. The final was played in a best of 3 (Bo3) procedure. Spratt and WarsZ duo actually lost the first match of the final, before they made a comeback in the last 2 games over Syndicate and Sebi duo to claim the final victory of the tournament. In Twitter, both Spratt and WarsZ showed their joys for this victory. Also, KFC had quite a funny tweet for this event.

The total prize pool of the tournament is £50,000 and special KFC black card. This card is the highlight of the prize pool since it will grant its owner a lifetime supply of KFC for free. The best duo of the tournament got £ 15,000 and the special KFC black card. Spratt and WarsZ decided to split the prize quite fairly: WarsZ will have £15,000 and Spratt will gain the special KFC black card for himself.