Call of Duty Mobile made its official debut twenty days ago, on the first day of October. Since then, it has gained a lot of popularity in both India and the world. Based on an established shooter franchise by Activision, Call of Duty Mobile has swiftly conquered the mobile market, with over 100 million downloads in two weeks and still growing. It is currently competing with Fortnite and  PUBG Mobile for the top spot in the India Mobile market.

In this article below, we would list out four reasons that you should jump on the Call of Duty Mobile bandwagon and play the game right now.

More than one Game Mode

Cod Mobile Sniper Only Limited Time Mode Playlist
A new limited sniper only mode

Call of Duty Mobile has multiple game modes for every type of player out there. Furthermore, each and every single one of those modes brings something new to the usual formula. Currently, the game has five modes: Battle Royale, Team Death Match, Frontline, Search & Destroy, and Domination. Each of these modes is distinctly different from one another. Another mode, Zombie, is in the testing room and would be released soon.

Loadout system

Call Of Duty Mobile Settings
A lot of customizing options in loadouts

This is probably the thing that separates Call of Duty Mobile from other titles of the same genre. The loadout system let you customize your weapon before the match based on your need and strategy. All the guns in Call of Duty can be customized, from paint to attachments. Furthermore, a lot of new gears are open for experimenting, giving the players a unique experience.

Smooth Graphics

Call Of Duty Mobile Battle Royale Sakura 740x416 1
The graphics look amazing even in Battle Royale mode

Call of Duty Mobile’s graphics is probably the best part of the game. Call of Duty: Mobile looks great and is extremely optimized. Unlike PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty Mobile does not have many bugs and glitches, partly due to how the game modes were designed around.

Experienced Developers

Tencent Activision Mobile Call Of Duty Free To Pla
Tencent and Activision have been doing pretty well in their respective businesses

Both Activision and Tencent are huge companies with multiple successful games on their belt. Activision has been managing its esports side through Blizzard, while Tencent is also the main force behind PUBG Mobile’s developments. Players can expect a lot of support for this title, along with regular patches and events.

Interested in more Call of Duty Mobile related articles? Please check out this post for a comparison between Call of Duty Mobile and PUBG Mobile.