Genshin Impact’s Cyno has appeared previously in the official manga, as well as a preview that came out way back in 2020, near the game’s release. After 2 years of waiting, he has finally made his debut.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the 5 reasons to pull for Cyno in Genshin Impact 3.1.

1. You want to build a quicken team

With Dendro's introduction in the Sumeru patch, everything released so far has been focusing on its reactions and the EM stat. Cyno is not an exception to this rule - you will get a bonus of 100 EM during his Elemental Burst. This makes him an amazing character for Electro reaction focused teams.

If players have Dendro supports such as Traveler or Collei leveled up, having Cyno as a main DPS would be a perfect idea. One issue with this requirement is the lack of 5-star Dendro support at this current point in time - players might want to pull for the Dendro Archon later if they already have Cyno.

2. Easy to play

Overall, his gameplay is similar to Razor. When Cyno's Elemental Burst is active, all of Cyno's Normal, Charged, and Plunge attacks will be imbued with Electro.

Cyno has very good uptime for his Burst. When used during Cyno's Elemental Burst, Elemental Skill will extend the duration of Elemental Burst. Using Elemental Skill to extend the duration can reduce the downtime of Burst to 3 seconds if you have enough Energy Recharge.

Take note that Cyno's Normal Attack during his Elemental Burst form does not scale with his Normal Attack talent.

3. You like Cyno’s design

Design-wise, Cyno is a wise-cracking general with a brilliantly cheesy sense of humor, a big personality, and spear skills capable of giving the gods a run for their money. His outfit is fairly unique - it has quite a bit of Ancient Egyptian influence, with super pretty color palette and intricate design.

He is one of the main characters in the Genshin Impact manga and you might want to pull for him just because of that.

4. Hyper Carry

Cyno is similar to Xiao in terms of mechanics, a previously released Anemo polearm character. Players make the most of a hyper carry’s kit by spending the entirety of their elemental burst duration doing damage with them on the field. This means players will need off-field supports who don't need field time to get the most out of Cyno.

In Sumeru, there are several bosses who are weak to Electro, making Cyno a wise choice in the current state of the game.

5. Doesn't rely on Constellation

Cyno is already great even at C0. However, if you managed to get him to C2, he gains a massive boost in damage (up to 30-50%). His attacks are quick and easy to use, with sufficient AoE for group battles.

His main role is as a Main DPS character who triggers multiple Electro reactions. He has a high Elemental Burst cost, so it's ideal to pair him with an Electro Battery or characters with multiple Favonius weapons.

>>> Read more: Genshin Impact Cyno Build Guide: Talents, Gears, And Team Comps (2022)