PUBG Mobile Overachiever is a favorite title in this game that a lot of players want to get. But keep in mind that you need to complete missions, collect points, and reach 2800 achievement points. To get this target you should earn as many achievement points as possible by completing missions, including critic missions. Check out this detailed guide on how to complete critic achievement in PUBG Mobile and get closer to the Over Achievement title here with

How To Complete Critic Achievement In PUBG Mobile

Critic mission is easy to complete and get achievement points. To complete critic achievement in PUBG Mobile, you need to do three missions, including Critic I, II, and III. The mission Critic I is rating the items in the gallery 50 times. The Critic II mission is to rate the items 200 times. And the last level of this mission requires you to rate PUBG Mobile items 500 times. Here’s how to complete critic achievement in PUBG mobile:

  • Go to Mission section on the bottom bar, tab on Achievements to check the mission of Critic Achievement. It’s located in the Social section.
  • Go to the PUBG Mobile gallery. It’s located in the bottom bar, on the left of the Rank section.
  • Choose the set of rare items. Tap on the item and rate it.
  • Rate 500 items to complete all three Critic missions and get rewards and achievement points.
You Check Out The Mission And Gallery In Bottom Bar Of The Lobby

In each season, there are fifteen to seventeen sets of items and skins, based on the number of events in those seasons. Each set of skins has about six to ten skins to rate. So, you cannot complete the critic mission when rating all the items in solely a season.

From my own experience, I have to rate all the items in season 13 and over half of all items in season 12 to complete Critic I achievement. So, you need to switch to several seasons to rate all 500 items. While completing this achievement, you can revive many events and legendary outfits in the previous seasons. For example, you will see the Lava Beret Set or Angel and Devil set in Season 10. And you can also recall many memories about these previous seasons.

Critic Mission In PUBG Mobile Has Three Levels To Complete (I, II, & III)

How To Complete Critic Achievement In PUBG Mobile & Get Rewards

Completing Critic achievement in PUBG Mobile, you will get a number of attractive rewards. To claim rewards, you also go to the Achievements section in the Mission tab. Then, locate the Critic achievement in Social Mission and collect rewards.

There are 480 items in the PUBG Mobile Gallery now,

The Critic I mission gives you 10 Achievement points and 5,000 gold coins. The level-2 mission rewards you 15 achievement points and 30 silver fragments. Besides, you also get 5 premium crate coupons for competing Critic II achievement. And after rating 500 items, you collect 20 achievement points and five classic coupon scraps.

How to complete critic achievement in PUBG mobile: rate 500 items in the gallery

However, there are not enough 500 items in the gallery for you to rate and complete now. PUBG Mobile players need to wait for further item sets in PUBG Mobile season 13. Currently, there are only three sets of items with only 31 items. After rating all the items from season 9 to 13, you only complete 480 items out of 500 items in the target.

Rate The Items One By One Until You Complete The Mission

How Can I Check My PUBG Mobile Achievement?

Moreover, you can also check your achievement progress in PUBG Mobile easily. Your achievement points are displayed in the Mission Section. You can check it out by tapping on Mission in the bottom bar. To check out the details of missions and achievements, you go to the sub-sections like Social, General, or Honor, etc.

You Can Check Out The Achievements And The Mission Details In The Mission Section To Know To Progress To Overachiever Title

The mission explanation and progress are also displayed clearly in this section. You can check out your achievement as well as what you need to do to complete missions. For example, the Field Medic mission requires you to revive your teammates 500 times. Once you complete the achievements, you will get 90 achievement points and many other rewards.

Tips On How To Complete Critic Achievement In PUBG Mobile

This Critic achievement is very easy to complete. You only need to rate all the items. To not miss any items, you can tap in the button of Details in the bottom right corner of the screen. Then you go through all items one by one.

Complete Critic achievement to get 45 points and get closer to the Overachiever title in PUBG Mobile

After completing a season, you tap on the Switch button to quickly switch to another season. It helps you ensure that you won’t miss any set of items. It’s recommended that you start with season 9 to complete Critic I achievement quickly. Then, you switch to all items in season 10 to complete Critic II. After rating all 200 items in season 9 and 10, you complete 40 percent of the Critic III achievement.

If you start with season 13 item sets, you will need to switch twice to complete two first levels of Critic achievement. There are only 480 items in total currently. Therefore, PUBG Mobile play cannot complete Critic achievement now. But when PUBG Mobile releases two or three further sets, you will have already known how to complete critic achievement in PUBG mobile.

So, if you have time to rate these items in waiting for other sets, you can rate all 480 items now. Then, complete the achievement after the other 20 items are introduced in the upcoming time.

Here the guide on how to complete critic achievement in PUBG mobile you need to know. To update the latest PUBG Mobile game news as well as more tips and tricks for players, let’s visit our website.