If you are an anime fan, then we have a piece of good news for you. In November this year, there will be an RPG dating simulator title coming to the mobile platform. From the famous gaming company Konami, LovePlus Every will land on both iOS and Android platform in November.
This game’s background will be a high school in Japan. There will be three lovely girls, and your job will be dating them (yes, you hear it right, literally dating them). You will be waking to school with them every day, going shopping with them, doing homework and housework with them … In short, you can feel free do literally dating them. These three girls are very pure and innocent, so you can fully enjoy the true Japanese high school vibe from the game.

Previously, Konami has launched LovePlus – the previous version of the mobile game we are talking about – exclusively on Nintendo Switch platform. Seeing the potential of this game, Konami has also launched a mobile version of the game, but only for the Japanese market. But now, Konami will bring LovePlus Every to gamers all over the world.

You can say this is somewhat like a visual novel game, but instead of having a fixed plot, you will be able to interact with those girls to have the best experience for yourself. Until now, there have been more than 300,000 users pre-registering this game, so you can also pre-register LovePlus Every right now.
Seeing that LovePlus Every got loved by so many gamers, Konami has decided to add a special event to the game, as a way to say thank you to the fans. In that special event, you will get to take a nap with the girl you select at a lovely beach. Sounds wonderful already huh?