After PUBG Mobile's demise in India, Call of Duty Mobile has gobbled up all the players migrated. While both games are shooters, the shooting mechanics in Call Of Duty is a little bit different. In this article, we would list out 3 trickshot methods so that you could dominate matches.

1 - Drop Shots

"Drop Shots" is going prone while shooting. This is best to perform when you are surrounded by enemies or almost down in a 1 vs 1 duel - it would confuse the enemy and take their crosshair away from you long enough for you to finish them.

Call Of Duty Mobile Game Mode One Shot One Kill 2

Overall, this kind of trick shot is pretty effective as it is really unexpected. You need to remember the motion in order to perform the shot as fast as possible.

How to perform Drop shots

Click and hold the Crouch and the Shoot button together while aiming at your target with ADS. If you don't have ADS, you would have to hold Prone + Shoot + Aim.

2 - Jump Shots

Jump Shots is jumping forwards while aim and shot at the enemy. This is perfect to counter campers who are waiting for you on the corner - if you know the location of your enemy, just jump there and take them down.

You need to enable ADS to do Jumpshots.

How to perform Jump shots

Press the Jump button and while in the air, aim and shot at your target. This is pretty straightforward but you probably would need some practice to perfect your timing.

3 - Flick Shots

This trick is usually used when you are using a sniper rifle - it would let you release a shot as fast as possible at an enemy. Flick shots are pretty hard to do and require a lot of practice to be perfect.

You also need to change your fire control from ADS to Hipfire as well.

How to perform Flick shots

To make Flick shots work, you need to tap both the shoot button and the Aim button together as fast as possible.

Interested in more of our articles related to Call of Duty Mobile? Please check out this post to find out more about COD Mobile vs Free Fire: Which Game Has A Better Weapon Arsenal ?