A lot of players were surprised when Ayaka and Shenhe would be two rerun characters in update 3.5 instead of Eula. Check out which banner in four upcoming banners of Dehya, Cyno, Ayaka & Shenhe is worth your Primogems here.
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#1. Kamisato Ayaka
If you haven't got Ayaka or a strong DPS for your Cryo team, Ayaka is a worth-rolling character. Moreover, this character has got a new outfit that is undeniably stunning. When you get both Ayaka and her new outfit in the next update, your Cryo team will have a beautiful on-field DPS.
However, it can be expensive to build a strong team of Ayaka. The most picked Ayaka teams are often full of 5-star characters. For example, her Frozen team has Kazuha, Kokomi, and Shenhe.

#2. Shenhe
Shenhe is also one of the most picked and used characters in Genshin Impact, especially in Spiral Abyss. This beautiful character is the best supporter of Ayaka and other Cryo DPS. If you have got Ayaka in previous banners, you should invest in Shenhe in update 3.5 to build a super-powerful Frozen or Cryo team.
But you should skip Shenhe if you don't intend to build a Cryo team or Frozen team. Because Shenhe is only strong when she goes with Cryo DPS and supports them.

#3. Dehya and Cyno
The two upcoming banners of Dehya and Cyno are widely predicted to be two of the worst-sold banners of Genshin Impact for two reasons.
- Most Genshin Impact players have invested in the two current banners of Hu Tao and Yelan, making them the top-sold banners now. Therefore, many players may choose to take a short rest in the first phase of update 3.5.
- Besides, neither Dehya nor Cyno has a good kit. Cyno was voted to be one of the three most disappointing characters that lots of players regret rolling. Dehya's kits were also unsatisfying.
Moreover, the only new 5-star character Dehya in the next update will be featured in the permanent banner in Update 3.6. That's why you should skip their banners and save Primogems for stronger characters.

You still have the chance to get Dehya in the permanent banners after update 3.6 if you realize she is strong and worth your Primogems. Therefore, F2P characters who are not affordable for every banner should skip and wait for reactions and comments from other players.
#4. Skip All Four Banners
Skipping all four banners of Dehya, Cyno, Ayaka & Shenhe in update 3.5 is also a good idea. From update 3.6, there will be a lot of amazing characters, such as Baizhu, Kaveh, Nahida rerun, etc. Moreover, Dendro teams and elemental reactions related to Dendro are the core meta of the game now. That's why you should save your Fates for new characters and Dendro archon.

Update 3.5 will be available on March 1st, 2023. You should get prepared for upcoming events and collect as many Primogems as possible to roll your favorite characters.
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