The success of its competitors, Call of Duty Mobile and Fortnite has made PUBG Mobile’s developers scrambling to generate new updates. Quite a few new features have been added to the game as of late, including Royale Pass Season 10 contents, Female characters, Falcon Companion and even a new Ruins TDM map. According to some leaks on Social media, PUBG Mobile is going to double down on new content with the next 0.16.0 update.

The beta update would be available on Dec 20, based on information provided by Classified YT, a popular leaker. Below are some of the most notable changes.

Snow in Erangel

There would be a couple more snow zones on the map

Vikendi was part of the Winter celebration last year. While we won’t get a whole new map this year, Erangel would be updated with snow weather. This would be a part of the Christmas Winter Festival. There would be a snowy castle spawned in Erangel – its three possible spawn locations are: the Stalber mountains, the hills between School and Pochinki, and those peaks between the Hospital and Ruins.

Erangel’s Cable Cars

The cable car would be used to get on the top of the mountain

Cable Cars would be the method to get to the peaks of the Stalber mountains. Each car would be able to carry a whole squad, however, they move quite slowly. It is not sure if they would get damaged when fired upon.

New RageGear/Vehicle War Mode

Vehicle war mode with machine guns on cars

The RageGear mode would include vehicle death races in which you have to destroy your enemies while racing them. There would be two variants of the mode, TDM, and Pickup. Team DeathMatch would be set in a closed racecourse, with people using the M249 and RPG7 to fire at each other – with unlimited ammo.

Leaked rewards and theme for Season 11

Season 11 items are here

A few new items for the next season have been revealed. The theme for the next season would be red, white and black. The next season would be released on Jan 5, 2020.

Interested in more PUBG Mobile-related updates? Please check out this post for a complete guide of the Miramar map.