While Call of Duty: Mobile is receiving praises and positive feedbacks during its soft launch, the development of another Call of Duty mobile game has been stopped.

The game was developed by Elex

The game was called Call of Duty: Global Operation, an online strategy game instead of an FPS game. It was developed by Elex, a China mobile game developer, the creator of Clash of Kings. The game was first announced in 2017 as a collaboration between Elex and Activision Publishing.

You can control the battle in real-time

Call of Duty: Global Operation lets you build an army with soldiers, heroes, and vehicles to engage battles with other players in real-time. You can also customize your base at will and conduct researches to strengthen your army.

Unfortunately, the soft launch of the game in Australia and Philippines didn't very successful. Less than 5,000 people downloaded the game in both countries.

Recently, Elex has announced that they have stopped the development in an official document, flushing 2 years of hard work down the drain. Compared to other Call of Duty mobile games, Global Operation was a big let down. For example, Call of Duty: Heroes got 44 million downloads and $20 million in profit and Call of Duty: Zombie got 1.3 million downloads and $7 million in profit.

Call of Duty: Heroes

Although the project didn't work out, Elex stated in their document that they have learned a lot during the collaboration with Activision and this cancellation will not affect the company' financials or any in-development titles.

As for Call of Duty: Mobile, the game was developed by Timi Studio Group, the same team developed PUBG Mobile so this game has a really high chance to become the next big thing. Call of Duty: Mobile will also have a battle royale mode that Activision described as "fast and frantic" and “unique for mobile”.