The PUBG Mobile ban in India a few days ago has made a lot of players disappointed but also created a whole meme trend across the community. Fans have the chance to use their creativity and thousand of memes was born. While most of them are just pictures, some even go out their way to even create a funeral for PUBG Mobile. You can watch their full video below.

In the video, they even wear traditional white attire while carrying the "body" of PUBG Mobile with the picture of the game. They cry and shout the famous slogan of PUBG Mobile "Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner" during the funeral, making it much funnier.

About PUBG Mobile Ban in India

PUBG Mobile is the most popular game in India with millions of players logging in the game every day. It also has a huge esports scene with famous pro players, influencers, content creators. The ban on PUBG Mobile was devastating to many people as they now have to find a new game to move to.

The famous PUBG Mobile team Megastars even had to disband due to financial problems.

PUBG Mobile might come back to India

In the latest news, PUBG Corp. just announced that Tencent will no longer be in charge of the publishing matter in India. Instead, they will handle this with their own hands so the game can be aligned with the regulation in India.

However, we still have to wait for the final call from the Indian government to see if the game will be coming back or not. This ban comes right at the moment when Erangel 2.0, one of the most await updates,  just came to PUBG Mobile. Now Indian fans are holding their breath to see if you will be able to play the game again or not.

Also check out: Journalist Faye D’Souza And 8Bit Thug Put The Future Of PUBG Mobile And Indian eSports On The Table