Amongst the skins in Free Fire, Incubators are probably the most powerful. They are special skins that come in 4 colors with different stat bonuses. The Groza Beatz Banger is the newest Incubator so far, released as part of the Squad Beatz event.
In this article, we are going to showcase everything you need to know about the Free Fire Beatz Bangers Incubator.
1. How to get the Groza Thunder Electrified in Free Fire
The new Groza Beatz Banger Incubator starts on Feb 8 and will last for 30 days. Players need to spin to get Blueprint: Beatz Bangers and Evolution Stones, which in turn can be exchanged into the gun skins they want.

A single spin of the Free Fire Beatz Bangers Incubator costs 40 diamonds, with a 5 pack giving a 20 diamond discount (180). Besides the blueprints and stones, there are also a number of valuable rewards, such as:
- Papyrus Rebel Badge
- Flaming Wolf Weapon Loot Crate
- Lucky Shirt Loot Crate
- 100x Memory Fragment (Nairi)
- Imperial Rome Weapon Loot Crate
- Pet Food
- Red Samurai Weapon Loot Crate
- Lucky Pants Crate
- Bonfire
- Digital Invasion Weapon Loot Crate

2. Free Fire Beatz Banger Incubator skins
As usual, there are 4 variations of the Beatz Banger Incubator, each with a different color and bonus:
- Groza Thunder Electrified: 3x Blueprint: Beatz Bangers + 7x Evolution Stone
- Groza Airburst Entranced: 2x Blueprint: Beatz Bangers + 5x Evolution Stone
- Groza Flames Enchanted: 2x Blueprint: Beatz Bangers + 4x Evolution Stone
- Groza Jewel Mystified: 1x Blueprint: Beatz Bangers + 3x Evolution Stone

As usual, the most expensive Thunder Electrified is the strongest amongst the four, with a ++ damage bonus and + armor penetration. With this skin equipped, players would be able to dish out an incredible amount of damage.
The Airburst and Flames are about the same, with bonuses on weaker stats like Range and Armor Penetration. The Jewel is fairly underwhelming with only a slight increase in accuracy and range.
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