Due to the fact that Free Fire is an online battle royale and not a multiplayer game... the players usually do not pay much attention to its story. However, the game lore that Garena has made for Free Fire is surprisingly deep - with interesting character backstory, suspense and intrigue.
In this article, we would list out everything you need to know about Free Fire Character Story and Free Fire Lore.
1 - World Settings In Free Fire
Garena Free Fire takes place in a dystopian world, in which humanity's scientific advancements have made life much easier... but wars happened and ruined everything. After the war, the world was divided into two factions: Future Horizons and Liberation. A new organization named Cybernetica was also created as well.
Future Horizon
This faction has created the Free Fire project - it is a powerful group of governments and influential people from East Asia and North America. The project is aimed to discover a special gene in humans by having them fight to the death in abandoned islands. The genes of the winner would then be used to clone an army to control the world.
Arms dealer Paloma and gangster Antonio are their spies... while A124 is an AI from their lab.
Liberation is Future Horizon's opposition... however, they are no better, with the whole group being dictators from West Asia and Eastern Europe. As they are not as powerful, their tactics focused on terrorism: they often bomb population centers and Future Horizon's research labs. Ford, Laura, Miguel, Alvaro, Jai and Wukong are working for them.
This is a third "neutral" faction that stands for the oppressed people - Cybernetica is a group of hackers and spies whose job is to steal information from both Future Horizons and Liberation and reveal them to the people. Nikita, Moco, Wolfrahh, Kapella, Steffie, Clu, Dasha are working for Cybernetica in the game.
There are characters in-game who joined the Free Fire project for unrelated reasons: some of them were kidnapped... while others just want to have fun. This is the biggest group with Kelly, Olivia, Misha, Maxim, Hayato, Alok, Joseph, Jota, Luqueta, K, Dasha, Rafael, Kla, Notora, Andrew, Shani.
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2 - Free Fire Character Story
With Free Fire having a whopping 33 characters, listing everything out would be too long - we would group them up whenever possible.
Kelly, Caroline, Maxim, Misha
Kelly, Caroline and Maxim are classmates - they get smuggled by Nikita onto the Free Fire island after Kelly was kidnapped... in order to save her. Maxim has a crush on Kelly. Misha is Maxim's sister... and she was kidnapped along with Kelly by Paloma. You can say that this group is the "protagonist" of Free Fire.
Hayato, Paloma, Miguel, Kla, Antonio, Notora
Hayato is Kelly's cousin. After Kelly was kidnapped, he chased after her kidnapper and got into Free Fire's experiment. Paloma the arms dealer is the main villain in Free Fire - she kidnaps people and dumps them onto Bermuda island to fight to the death.
Kla, a former Muay Thai practitioner, is Paloma's bodyguard. Miguel is Paloma's ex-lover, who's also on an investigation of Free Fire and the killer island. However, his whole squad was massacred in a trap. He was then imprisoned by Free Fire and likely forced to fight on the island.
Both Antonio and Notora are fighting for their own freedom.
Andrew, Olivia, Ford, Alvaro
Olivia and Ford are a couple. Andrew is Kelly's stepfather and is a good friend to them... With Kelly getting kidnapped, they all come to Bermuda island to rescue her. Alvaro, an explosive specialist, is an acquaintance of Olivia and Ford in the war.
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Joseph, Wukong, A124, Shani
Joseph is a genius military scientist... and he is likely to be the one behind Wukong and A124's existence, with them both being military experiments. Wukong, a monkey and A124, an Android, has escaped from Free Fire's labs. A124 was helped by Shani.
Nikita, Moco, Wolfrahh, Kapella, Steffie, Clu, Dasha
Nikita is a spy for Cybernetica and often send information she gathered to Moco and other members of Cybernetic like Wolfrahh, Kapella, Steffie, Clu, Dasha. Cybernetica is a "wild" faction, with everyone being somewhat free-spirited. Overall, they are anarchists who want to topple the evil government.
K, Alok, Jai, Jota, Chrono
These characters are real-life people ported into Free Fire... and their stories are not really connected to other characters in the game.
Rafael, Laura
Rafael's quest for revenge leads him to the Free Fire island. Laura is his childhood friend, who grew up in a family of military sharpshooters.
This is the end of our Garena Free Fire Character Story Guide. Interested in more of our articles related to Garena Free Fire? Please check out this post for Free Fire Mod APK Unlimited Diamonds Download For Mobile.