Hacking and cheating are some of the biggest problems that Garena Free Fire has to face. The spearheading Battle Royale genre has now encountered numerous forms and variants of cheaters. From speedrunning to auto-headshot, this game experienced it all.

Most recently, Free Fire survivors complained about a brand new hack called the "Flying hack". It has been really messing with the gaming experience of hard-core players.
The convention anti-hack system is too outdated to handle this kind of hack. Therefore, Free Fire devs created a new one to eliminate the flying hack.
Free Fire Combats Flying Hack Cheats

The developers said that they first encountered the cheat in the middle of 2020, after numerous complaints. Since then, the devs have been hard at work, taking various actions to tackle the problem and reinforce their anti-hack system.
After six months, the developers finally came up with a detection method for the flying hack. They also notice that the hack can no longer function after the launch of the new client patch. By implementing this new strategy, the number of flying hacks dropped significantly.