Diamonds are the most valuable currency in Free Fire. It is almost the only way to get exclusive skins and bundles in Free Fire and players can only earn almost only using real money. But Free Fire also release new event once in a while that gives players free Diamonds and now is one of those time.

How To Complete Watch Clip To Win Booyah Event Fre
Watch clips for 10 minutes every day for 10 Diamonds and other rewards

There is currently a running event called "Watch Clip to Win" in Free Fire that will give you free Diamonds and other rewards every day. Here is how you can join it.

Watch Clip to Win event in Free Fire

The Watch Clip to Win event in Free Fire lasts from January 14 to January 17. During the event, players can get an MP40 Sneaky Clown Gun Box, 10 Diamonds, and 50 Booyah tickets every day just by watching 10 minutes of clips.

So in order to join this event to win free Diamonds and rewards, you need to watch 10 minutes of clips on the BOOYAH app. The BOOYAH app is a streaming platform on Android developed by Garena for Indian users. You can find great Free Fire content including streams, short clips in the app, and share it with your friends.

The BOOYAH app is a streaming platform on Android developed by Garena for Indian users

You need to download the BOOYAH app from Google Play Store to join this event. After downloading the app, register a new BOOYAH account and then bind your BOOYAH account with your Free Fire account.

Now, when you have done all of that, choose the Clips menu in the BOOYAH app and watch clips in there for 10 minutes. After that, go to Task Center to check and get your rewards.

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