MP40 is one of the most favorite weapons in Free Fire. This SMG has a lot of MP40 skins that make the gun more powerful and versatile. Check out the top Free Fire MP40 skins for tankers to conquer close-range combat in this game with

#10. Top Gamer

Among all MP40 skins in Free Fire, Top Gamer is one of the best MP40 gun skin for close fights. This MP40 gun skin doubles the damage of this SMG. MP40 Top Gamer gun skin will make this SMG a powerful weapon for top gamers in Free Fire. Although the range of this gun drops a bit, it does not matter much. It's because MP40 works the best in short-range combat.

Top Gamer skin lets you win all face-to-face combat and survive from ambush.

With MP40 Top Gamer, you can win all face-to-face combat and survive from ambush. It's the best gun for tankers and scouts in your squad or aggressive solo players.

#9. Carnival Carnage

This new gun skin of MP40 looks fancy, gory, and cool. This gun skin boosts the damage of MP40 and doubles its accuracy. Obviously, the accuracy is pretty important for this SMG because its high rate of fire makes MP40 a bit recoil.

Carnival Carnage skin boosts the damage of MP40 and doubles its accuracy.

Moreover, with a higher hit point and accuracy, you can finish the target in few shots. Carnival Carnage skin will help tankers kill enemies quickly and win the top prize. The downside of this weapon skin is the decreased reload speed.

Carnival Carnage skin will help tankers kill enemies quickly and win the top prize.

#8. Lightning Strike

MP40 Lightning Strike is one of the best beautiful and powerful gun skins in Free Fire. This MP40 also increases the damage of this SMG. Moreover, the mag size is also increased a lot. Then, you can play as a hunter and clear the whole enemy team in a load of ammo.

Lightning Strike skin increases the damage and mag size of MP40.

However, the reload speed drops a bit. Therefore, you need to fall back to the cover when reloading. With MP40 Lightning Strike, you can move, aim, and clutch quickly.

#7. Bloody Gold

This MP40 gun skin helps increase the accuracy and shooting range of this SMG. Like Lightning Strike skin, Bloody Gold also reduces the reload speed and increases the risk in open fights. Therefore, players should grab another SMG or an AR to use with MP40 when playing the role of squad fragger.

Bloody Gold gun skin helps increase the accuracy and shooting range of this SMG.

#6. New Year

This fancy gun skin was introduced in a previous New Year celebration. The damage of this close-range weapon will be doubled when you equip this gun skin to MP40. Besides, the mag size also increases a bit. Thus, it's very useful in solo vs squad matches. However, this gun skin makes the accuracy of MP40 drop a little.

The New Year Skin is very useful in solo vs squad matches.

#5. Sneaky Clown

MP40 is one of the best close-range guns with a super high rate of fire. It's even more powerful when you equip the Sneaky Clown skin for this gun. It increases the firing rate a lot. Besides, it also doubles the mag size to let you make some clutch highlights. Although the range declines a bit, it doesn't matter. The effectiveness and power of this gun in close combat do not change.

MP40 is more powerful when you equip the Sneaky Clown skin for this gun to increase the rate of fire.

#4. Winterlands

The Free Fire MP40 gun skin photo of Winterlands will amaze you. This stunning weapon skin for MP40 doubles the rate of fire to increase its damage per second. With mind-blowing DPS, this gun skin makes MP40 become a beast on the battleground.

This stunning weapon skin for MP40 doubles the rate of fire to increase its damage per second.

However, the increased rate of fire makes this gun run out of ammo more frequently. Hence, you ought to use another MP40 as a secondary weapon in case you have to clear a full squad.

#3. Mechanical

Mechanical MP40 will send a lot of players to the lobby. Its slogan is also cool - 'Maybe you will win, next time...'. You will dispossess enemies of Booyah and make them fly again. Mechanical increases the damage and range of this SMG. Then, you can use this gun to engage in mid-range combat if needed. But it's still deadly in close fights. That's why Mechanical is one of the best Free Fire MP40 skins.

Mechanical increases the damage and range of this SMG.

#2. Flashing Spade

Free Fire players can get a Free Fire MP40 skin Redeem code to obtain this amazing gun skin for free. Flashing Spade makes MP40 become the best gun for fraggers and aggressive players. With doubled damage and a higher rate of fire, you can win all close fights in this royale battle game. It's also an ideal weapon for snipers to defend in face-to-face situations and enemies' rushes.

Flashing Spade makes MP40 become the best gun for fraggers and aggressive players.

#1. Crazy Bunny

It's the best Free Fire's new MP40 skin 2021. Despite its adorable appearance, Crazy Bunny is more powerful than what you think. It makes MP40 more deadly and versatile with greater damage and longer range. With this best gun skin, MP40 can cover both short and mid-range combat. If the enemy falls back to a distance that they think to be safe, you can still knock him down.

Crazy Bunny skin is adorable but really deadly.

Those are the top 10 best Free Fire MP40 skins for aggressive players in this battle royale game. To update the latest Free Fire game news as well as more tips, tricks, and top lists for gamers, let's visit

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