Garena has just released the client for Free Fire OB37 Advance server. The beta test will be up until November 11, 2022. Players with an activation code can download it right away to enjoy the latest unreleased OB37 content.
In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase everything available so far about the OB37 update, including the new Trogon Shotgun, Arvon pet, and game modes.
1. New Pet: Arvon
Avron is a new pet that has the appearance of a mini-dinosaur. Its skill is an active ability called Dinoculars, which allows players to detect the number of enemies within a 50-meter radius on the map. Take note that the ability does not center around the player's position.

The effect lasts for 3 seconds and the results of the scan are also shown to teammates. However, this ability is pretty limited, as players can only use it once per match at the lowest level.
- Level 1: Last 3 seconds, 1 use per match
- Level 2: Last 4 seconds, 1 use per match
- Level 3: Last 6 seconds, 2 uses per match
How useful is Avron?
Overall, Avron is fairly useful in team matches. His skill allows players to check if a particular location is camped by the enemy team or not. The number of enemies in the area allows the team to make correct tactical decisions.
This pet is going to be one of the most popular in ranked matches. There is a reason that Garena limits this ability to just twice per match. Teams would just run multiple players with Avron to scan whenever they go.
New Weapons: Trogon (Shotgun) and Trampoline grenade
A new shotgun named Trogon is added to the OB37 Advance Server. It can be equipped with a Grenade Launcher, which allows players to fire grenades.

The shotgun mode works like any other shotgun in the game, however, the Grenade mode allows players to launch small bombs that damage everything in the radius. This is easy to cause friendly fire if you are not careful - the bombs are launched from the muzzle of the gun.
The new Trampoline grenade can be deployed in a similar manner as a Gloo Wall. It creates a trampoline that players can hop in to jump higher. This opens up new options for movement, as teams can just move to the high ground from an unexpected angle.
3. Multiple new game modes

There will be a number of new game modes added to OB37, based on the content of the Advance server:
- Football Squad
- Zombie Hunt
- Craftland Maps
- Rush Hour
- Rush Hour (Akimbo)
- Fast Blast
- Fast Blast 5v5 Cup
Additionally, there is a new Special Map named Ice Ground for Lone Wolf (ranked or casual), which players can download from the "Download Center."
4. New feature: Proficiency

Players can check their proficiency with a weapon in Free Fire's weapon section. This is a new feature that tracks players' statistics with a certain weapon.
However, it is still in the testing phase and might not make it to the final version of the OB37 update.
>>> Read more: 10 Best Guns To Use In Free Fire BR Mode OB36