Hack and cheats are very prevalent in many online shooters, and Free Fire is not an exception. The developers are constantly improving their anti-cheat system to be one step ahead of the hackers and prevent cheating. Their punishment system is pretty severe as well - with the cheating accounts getting banned permanently without any way to appeal.

What is the new anti-cheat campaign?

With the recent launch of yet another anti-cheat campaign, Operation Cutcord, Free Fire has rid itself of over one million cheating accounts in just over 2 weeks. According to the developers, over half of these accounts are banned based on player reports - the rest are detected automatically by Free Fire's system. The exact number is 11,04,258, with 51% based on players' reports.

How severe are the bans?

All bans are final

Not only are the accounts of hackers banned permanently, their devices and the people who intentionally play with them are also banned as well. A whopping 35,58,453 devices have been banned, along with 1,87,511 accounts getting punished for playing with the cheaters. This device number might be overinflated, as you have ways to circumvent the device ban, especially of the cheaters are using an emulator. In this case, they can just create a new instance of a device and continue to cheat like normal.

What are the most popular hacks?

Reasons for bans

Currently, Auto Aim and Antenna are the most popular, with 35 and 21 percent respectively. Seeing through walls and teleport are #3 and #4, at 19 and 17 percent. The last 8% is miscellaneous cheats.

How to avoid hackers?

With Free Fire's banning system working overtime, it is very likely that hackers are not going to be able to use their accounts for long. They won't be able to maintain the rank for high tiers. You just need to get good at the game and play ranked matches at high tier.

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