The government ban on PUBG Mobile has somewhat led to an overwhelmingly soar in the popularity of Free Fire across the country, with numerous esports organizations stepping into the competitive scene of this battle-royale title.

Force Once Esports and Marcos Gaming are the most recent examples as these names already revealed their Free Fire rosters in India. Another esports organization named Noble Esports has kept an eye out for the upcoming tournaments here and now this US-based team decides to bring together an Indian lineup for its own.

Noble Esports has kept an eye out for the upcoming tournaments here and now this US-based team decides to bring together an Indian lineup for its own.

Official news was made available to fans via Noble Esports’ social media handles. Here’re all the members who will be tasked with taking glory on the professional battleground of Free Fire against other high-profile competitors.

NBL Bpsingh

NBL Mehul

NBL Niku


NBL Nonstop

About Noble Esports

The founder of Noble Esports is Kyle McDougal, who started to establish this organization from scratch in 2014. As reported, Anshuman Dash is the man behind its South Asia branch. Their spirit was built on the basis of this ideology as read below:

"Through proper guidance, anyone can be a better version of themselves. We provide individuals with the business fundamentals that they can utilize for their professional careers and even apply in real life."

The founder of Noble Esports is Kyle McDougal, who started to establish this organization from scratch in 2014.

Currently, Noble Esports has numerous teams to take part in different competitions of professional gaming, including Valorant, PUBG, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, World of Tanks, Mortal Kombat, etc.

Noble Esports' Indian squad in Valorant

Read More: How Many PUBG Mobile Players In World: Detailed Stats, Top Players, Etc.