Garena Free Fire offers a plethora of in-game cosmetics for players to choose. Most of these items are available in the shop. The developers also regularly add new events that provide exclusive items at a lower cost.

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The Purple Shade bundle is one of rewards you can get from the Diwali Wish event

Recently, Garena introduced the Diwali Wish event. It offers a wide range of gun skins and costume bundles. One of the most sought-after rewards from the prize pool is the Purple Shade Bundle. Here's how you can obtain it from the event!

Purple Shade Bundle in Free Fire Diwali Wish Event

As mentioned earlier, players currently have a chance to secure this bundle from the ongoing Diwali Wish event. The Purple Shade Bundle consists of the following items:

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The bundle consists of 5 items
  • #1 Purple Shade (Head)
  • #2 Purple Shade (Mask)
  • #3 Purple Shade (Top)
  • #4 Purple Shade (Bottom)
  • #5 Purple Shade (Shoes)

Diwali Wish Event in Garena Free Fire

The Diwali Wish event started today, 13th November, and will conclude on 19th November. It has two prize pools: gun skins and costumes. Players have to make a wish to draw a prize from the respective pools. The event has several rules that you can check out below:

How to play Free Fire Diwali Wish event
  • Make a Basic Wish in either the gun skin or the costume category to draw a prize (Basic Prizes and Premium Prizes).
  • Make a Premium Wish in the respective category to draw a prize from the “Premium Prizes”. A permanent bundle or gun skin is guaranteed.
  • Items in the prize pool may repeat itself.
  • The first Basic or Premium Wish of each category is offered at 50% off.
  • The prizes will be sent directly to your vault after 15 minutes maximum.
Join the Diwali Wish now!

Hence, players have a chance to get the Purple Shade Bundle by making either a Basic or Premium Wish.