Genshin Impact 3.1 is coming to the game soon. If you haven't completed the following works yet, try to make them done before the upcoming big update begins.

#1. Collect Dendroculi

Before you become too busy with a lot of work and missions on the anniversary, try to collect all Dendroculi in Sumeru now. There are 108 Dendroculi in Sumeru. The density of these items is also pretty high. Spend half a day or a few hours roaming around this nation and collecting all these items.

Collect Dendroculus

#2. Collect Chests

When you go to collect Dendroculi, you also see many loot chests. Some of them are already available to loot. But some are locked. Spend a minute or a few seconds to remove the seal and loot these chests to get tons of Primogems and essential materials.

#3. Complete Aranyaka

Aranyaka is the main World quest series in Sumeru. There are many new quests in Genshin Impact 3.1 that requires players to complete this quest chain first. Therefore, it's the best time to get it done. It also helps you unlock secret locations in Sumeru to get chests and Dendroculi.

Aranyaka World Quest
Complete Aranyaka world quest.

#4. Upgrade Dendro Statue

After getting all Dendroculi, you should upgrade the Statue of Seven in Sumeru. It gives you a lot of Primogems and rewards and increases the stamina of your characters. Then, you have more time to do other jobs at the anniversary event.

#5. Complete Reputation Missions

Reputation missions in Genshin Impact also give players a lot of rare and exclusive rewards. If you have completed all events and done all quests in the current update, you need to receive and complete all reputation quests in Sumeru now.

Sumeru Reputation Unlocked Genshin Impact
Get Sumeru reputation missions done.

#6. Find 76 NPCs

There are a group of treasure chests in Aranara. It's the richest treasure in Sumeru now. If you don't have any job to do before the arrival of Genshin Impact 3.1, you should go to find 76 NPCs in Sumeru and unlock this treasure. Here are all locations of these NPCs.

  • Lokapala Jungle;
  • Avidya Forest;
  • Ardravi Valley;
  • Vissudha Field;
  • Ashavan Realm.
Aranara Treasure
Find all NPCs and get Aranara treasure.

#7. Get Prepared For New Characters

There are many new characters in upcoming updates. If you are planning to roll them, collect all materials for them before obtaining your favorite characters. Some materials need time to respawn.

You should start your farming trip right now so that you can get enough materials to level up and ascend them. All required materials for ascension, talent level-up, and best artifacts for upcoming characters in update 3.1 have been revealed.

Collect materials for new characters.

#8. Save Condensed Resin

You need to use Original Resins and Condensed Resin to claim rewards after defeating weekly bosses. But the amount of daily Original Resins is limited. You can use your Original Resins to create Condensed Resins and save them for the next update.

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