Dendroculus is ready to collect in Sumeru now. There are 108 Dendroculi all around the new nation Sumeru. Check out the best places to find all Dendroculi in Genshin Impact 3.0 below.

Dendroculus Locations
Let's find out all Dendroculus locations.

#1. Avidya Forest

The very first location to visit and collect your first Dendroculus in Sumeru must be Avidya Forest. There are up to ten items to get around the city of Sumeru.

  • Gandharva Ville is the best location for players to start their farming trip with three Dendroculi around big trees and the tree house.
  • Sumeru City has more than four items near the bridge, the upper waterfall, a tree branch, on the hill, etc.

Tip: You should unlock all Statues of Seven and Teleport Waypoints and find Dendroculi around big trees in Sumeru.

Dendroculus Locations In The Center Of Sumeru
Dendroculus locations in the center of Sumeru.

#2. Lokapala Jungle

Next, Travelers should visit Lokapala Jungle to find more Dendroculi. There are many sub-regions with 19 items to collect in this jungle.

  • Mawtiyima Forest has some items near the tent on the mountaintop, branch bridge, near or inside some large flowers, etc.
  • The Palace of Alcazarzaray is another place for Travelers to collect Dendroculi in Sumeru. You can find an item on the top.
  • Don't forget to visit Gandha Hill and find a stunning branch arch to get another Dendroculus.

Tip: You should find large flowers and solve some puzzles to unveil the item. Keep in mind that Sumeru has the highest quantity of Oculi.

Dendroculus Locations In The North Of Sumeru
Dendroculus locations in the North of Sumeru.

#3. Vissudha Field

The stunning is not only a beautiful destination to explore but also one of the best Dendroculus locations in Sumeru. You can find some items around the Steeple of Ignorance domain, near the northeast waypoint, hilltop, and water stream.

A useful tip for players is marking the location of the item they have got on the minimap. It helps players find other Dendroculi easier without missing any item.

Four Leaf Sigils
Four-Leaf Sigils help your characters reach floating Dendroculi. 

#4. Ardravi Valley

There are up to 29 Dendroculi in Ardravi Valley. There are nine Teleport Waypoints and a Statue of Seven to help players travel faster to reach all Dendroculus locations easily.

  • Port Ormos is a famous location where you can get many floating and hidden Dendroculi.
  • Visit Virmara Village and go around houses and trees.
  • You will miss a lot of items if you ignore Devantaka Mountains.

Tip: You should increase your City Reputation in Sumeru to get a Dendroculus Resonance Stone recipe to make this useful device. This device shows you the exact Dendroculus locations within its effective range.

Find Some Dendroculi In Hidden Places
Find some Dendroculi in hidden places.

#5. Ashavam Realm

There are 32 Dendroculi you have to collect in Ashavam Realm. This is an enormous number of collectible items. Therefore, it's very easy to miss some if you don't count the number. Here are some locations you have to visit and find Dendroculi in Ashavam Realm.

  • Caravan Ribat;
  • Ruins of Dahiri;
  • Apam Woods;
  • Yasna Monument;
  • Pardis Dhyai.

Tip: Use Clusterleaves of Cultivation and Four-Leaf Sigils to fly up and reach Dendroculi floating high in the air.

Easy Dendroculus
An easy Dendroculus. 

#6. Vanarana

You need to find 19 Dendroculi in Vanarana. Most of them spawn near Teleport Waypoints and the Statue of Seven, and along routes in this region. You only need to stick to the main routes and go searching near these waypoints to find all of them.

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