Genshin Impact 4.5 banners are grabbing great attention from lots of players. From the banner history, upcoming banners are predicted to be rerun in the next update. Besides, there are many leaks about the upcoming new banner. Check them out here.

#1. Chiori

Chiori is possibly the new character in Genshin Impact according to her recent drip marketing project. The boss of the Chioriya Boutique in the Court of Fontaine might be a 5-star Geo sword wielder. According to the leaks about her gameplay, Chiori can be an off-field supporter in Navia's Crystalized teams and Geo Constructs in Genshin Impact 4.5.

Chiori may be the new character in Genshin Impact 4.5.

#2. Albedo

Albedo has been absent from event banners since November of 2022. It's been a long interval since the last time of Albedo's rerun because the Geo element has been slightly out of META for a couple of seasons. Navia's release brought some changes in the trending play style in recent updates. Therefore, it's the ideal time for Albedo to be rerun.

Albedo has been absent from event banners for over a year.

#3. Arataki Itto

Genshin Impact released Arataki Itto's latest rerun banner right after Albedo's rerun banner. He has been absent from event banners for a year. That's why Itto may return in the next update of Genshin Impact 4.5. The First and Greatest Head of the Arataki Gang is one of the strongest Geo DPS characters in this game, especially when he gets Chiori's support and buff.

Itto may return to the new META of the game.

#4. Neuvillette

The Iudex of Fontaine, Neuvillette, is a 5-star Hydro DPS released in Genshin Impact 4.1 on October 17, 2023. He is a new character who has just absent from event banners for three seasons, but lots of Genshin Impact players are expecting his rerun banner. Neuvillette is also the most regret-ignoring character in updates 4.2 and 4.3. Lots of players regretted not pulling his banner and missed this powerful DPS.

He is famous for his overwhelming kit that lets him play solo and defeat annoying bosses quickly. Besides, this new character might be rerun early to allow unlucky players who missed his first banner and those who want to unlock further marks of his constellation to obtain this character.

Lots of players regret not pulling Neuvillette in Genshin Impact 4.1.

#5. Kaedehara Kazuha

Kaedehara Kazuha is another possible rerun banner in Genshin Impact 4.5 as a META sub-DPS and supporter for every team. His latest banner was live between June and July of 2023. He has only been absent for half a year, but lots of Genshin Impact players, especially beginners, want to get this premium Supporter for various teams.

Kazuha is one of the most favorite characters thanks to his kit.

The official event banners of Genshin Impact 4.5 are still unknown, but you can expect four of these five characters to appear in the next update. If you are a fan of them or desire to obtain one of these characters for your team, let's save Primogems and count pity to prepare Intertwined Fates for their upcoming banners.

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