Genshin Impact 5.0 is grabbing great attention from communities because of the release of a new nation with tons of updates. The following quality-of-life updates and gameplay modifications may change your experience. Check out the latest Genshin Impact 5.0 leaks here.
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#1. Broaden Character Level Range
According to a popular Genshin Impact leader, the maximum character level will be increased to 100 instead of 90 since Patch 5.0. It allows players to make their characters stronger to deal with many powerful and dangerous bosses and enemies in the game.
However, it's also an uphill challenge in Genshin Impact. Firstly, enemies' levels can be expanded to 110 or higher to maintain the balance. Secondly, Travelers need more materials to ascend Genshin characters. It's even more struggling for beginners.
Luckily, Genshin Impact has expanded the maximum stock of Resin from 160 to 200 in patch 4.7. It also made this leak more reliable. Therefore, you can start to prepare for this change by pre-farming materials for existing characters so that you have enough materials for them if this change is confirmed.

#2. A New QoL Mechanic
Since Update 5.0, the new nation Natlan will be unlocked. It's expected to be a large country like Sumeru. Therefore, some Genshin Impact leakers unveiled that the game would add a brand-new Quality-of-Life mechanic known as Quick Exploration to Genshin Impact 5.0. The characters in the Cryo and Hydro line-ups will get more attention since they can fuel this mechanic.

#3. Updated Artifact System
Genshin Impact will introduce a new artifact set for the new Quick Exploration mechanic in Patch 5.0. It can be a great update for beginners and juniors in Genshin Impact who are still busy with lots of quests and missions in Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, or Sumeru.
This new mechanic with the help of the upcoming artifact set can help those players complete the world exploration faster to reach Natlan soon.
In addition, the Artifact strongbox in Genshin Impact 5.0 will introduce four new artifact sets for quick farming, including:
- Deepwood Memories
- Gilded Dreams
- Desert Pavilion Chronicles
- Flower of Paradise Lost
These updates to the artifact system will improve your experience in the game. These changes make you less busy with a high load of exploration missions and farming tasks.

Bonus: Genshin Impact 5.0 Expected Release Date
Genshin Impact 5.0, according to the normal patch cycle rule, will be released on August 28, 2024. Before that, we can enjoy a Summer Festival with lots of fun in Genshin Impact in Patch 4.8 released on July 17, 2024.
We can expect to watch the Genshin Impact Livestream Program 12 days before its release date. It may be set for August 16th, 2024. All changes and updates to that patch will be confirmed and explained during the special program. including new character banners, weapons, events, mechanics, and gameplay updates.

Those are the latest leaks about gameplay and QoL updates in Genshin Impact 5.0. Stay tuned for further leaks about upcoming Genshin Impact updates.
>>> Also Read: Genshin Impact 4.8 Leaks Big CHANGES: Nerfed Domains & Removed Boss CD