Genshin Impact has just announced its new event named "Mondstadt Tourism Revitalization Project" on its official website and Reddit, accompanied by the following quotes:

"Hello there, friend. It's been a while!"

"Recently, I've been planning a big new venture called the 'Mondstadt Tourism Revitalization Project.' I've even invited three members of the Knights of Favonius as spokespeople to help spread the word."

"The project's currently running a limited-time pre-registration phase, so come check it out — I guarantee you won't be disappointed!"

Genshin Impact New Event
Genshin Impact Reddit's post

The developer also notes that the pre-registration for the 1st round will end at 23:59 on April 1. Regarding the announcement and registration timing, some fans speculate that the event might just be an April Fool’s Day joke.

“So this is an April Fools thing, right? Or is this for an actual event later?”

“I know it's 1 April today, but I'm still gonna.. ah..yep, that's what I deserved.”

“Na it's April first I'm not trusting anything y'all goons say.”

“I wonder if they would post something on April 1st, then actually do it, fooling everybody that believed they wouldn't.”

So, what do you think? Personally, I still pre-register for the event, LoL :))

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