In the realm of Genshin Impact, speed, and technique are crucial for defeating enemies. However, when it comes to claymores, size reigns supreme! For those who appreciate wide swings and massive swords, this article is tailored just for you. Let’s find out the list of the top 10 best Claymore characters as well as answer the question Who is the best Claymore character in Genshin Impact?
Table of Contents
10. Dehya
The debut of the Unfettered Desert Mercenary led to deep disappointment in the Genshin Impact community, largely because of Dehya’s bad performance. Subsequently, a new set of artifacts was introduced in an attempt to enhance her capabilities, yet they failed to salvage her effectiveness. Despite being a 5-star Claymore character in Genshin Impact, Dehya consistently falls short in every aspect where she is expected to excel. This is the reason why she ranks at the bottom of our list.

Dehya's Elemental Skill is designed to offer team protection along with Pyro applications. That said, it does not work in practice as her Pyro application rate is very slow, occurring only once every 2.5 seconds, which pales in comparison to other characters. Even Xiangling, a free 4-star character, outperforms her by a significant margin, which is disappointing considering Dehya's 5-star status. While the damage mitigation aspect of her skill is admirable, she suffers from a lack of protection against interruptions, as her Gold-Forged Form only provides temporary defense.
>>> Read also: Genshin Impact Dehya Build Guide: Talents, Gears And Team Comps
9. Chongyun
In Genshin Impact, Chongyun primarily serves as a Sub-DPS character, with his main damage output Elemental Burst. The limited scaling on his Normal and Charged Attacks prevents him from effectively fulfilling the role of a main DPS. Not only that, he can’t fit in well with other characters because of his Frost Field Skill. While Cryo users like Ayaka benefit from having their weapons infused with Cryo, it presents a serious drawback for other melee characters such as Keqing and Razor. These contradictions seriously impact Chongyun's performance in his team, leading to his current rank in our list of the best Claymore characters in Genshin Impact.

>>> Check out: Genshin Impact: Best Chongyun Team Comps For High DPS
8. Freminet
Freminet surprises us with how much damage he can deal. With Pers’ assistance, he can deal strong physical damage and add some Cryo hits. Once he uses his Elemental Burst, he can use his Skill more often, allowing Pers to keep dealing damage non-stop.

Certainly, Freminet's damage output doesn't come close to matching Eula's. Nevertheless, Freminet's entire set of abilities can complement Eula's playstyle, even if she's only relying on her Normal Attacks. This synergy isn't a small achievement for a 4-star character, particularly given Eula's tendency to frequently miss her Elemental Burst.
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7. Razor
Razor was acknowledged as the best Physical DPS in the game before Eula’s launch with their Cryo, Vision, and Electro which help them to trigger Superconduct. Nonetheless, unlike the Favonius Knight, Razor tends to be more self-centered in their role as a DPS character.

The Wolf Boy's Elemental Burst elevates his damage significantly, providing an attack speed boost and ongoing Electro damage. Yet, once Razor is switched out, he loses all these buffs. Given his self-focused nature, players need to build a team specifically tailored to complement Razor's strengths.
Dendro has enhanced Razor's viability within a team that emphasizes Dendro Elemental Reactions.
6. Gaming
It feels great to watch Gaming Plunge charge into battles, swinging his massive weapon. His unique ability to trigger Pyro reactions sets him apart from other Plunge attackers like Xiao and Xiangling. When Gaming enters the fight and sets off Vaporize or Melt reactions, his Plunge attacks become even stronger, showing why he's considered one of the best Claymore characters in Genshin Impact 2024.

5. Diluc
Diluc used to be one of the best Claymore characters in Genshin Impact, but now he's often left untouched in many players' collections. His Elemental Skill can be used three times with a short cooldown, and his Burst requires low energy while adding Pyro to his attacks. With his entire kit focusing on Pyro damage, Diluc can continuously unleash fiery attacks.

Diluc has always been a great damage dealer with the important Pyro element. He can make powerful Melt and Vaporize reactions happen and can keep fighting without a break. Now, with Xianyun's help, Diluc becomes even better at Plunge attacks because of his strong scaling and Pyro power. Xianyun allows him to jump higher and swirls enemies to weaken their Pyro resistance. In the right team, every time Diluc plunges, it can cause huge damage by triggering Melt or Vaporize.
>>> Genshin Impact Diluc Build Guide: Talents, Gears, Team Comps
4. Eula
At first, fans got upset about the Lawrence descendant. But soon, they liked her since she did the best physical damage of any character in the game.

All of Eula's abilities work together perfectly to make her an amazing dancer. Her Cryo Vision helps her easily trigger Superconduct, and her quick Skill cooldown makes her ideal for using the Pale Flame artifact. Thanks to incredible damage, she is said to be the queen of Physical damage dealers and one of the best Claymore characters in Genshin Impact.
>>> Related article: Top 5 Teammates To Go With Eula In Update 3.8
3. Beidou
The Crux Fleet Captain has always been good at dealing with damage, even when Electro wasn't as popular as other elements. But now, with the boost to Elemental Mastery and the introduction of Dendro Reactions in Genshin Impact, Beidou has become an amazing DPS character. The best way to use Beidou is as a sub-DPS character. Her Elemental Burst boasts a lot of damage and can also help trigger more Electro Reactions.

2. Arataki Itto
The leader of the Arataki Gang, known as the First and Greatest Head, isn't just one of the top Claymore or Geo damage dealers, but he's actually one of the best all-around DPS characters in the game. Depending on his defense stats, Arataki Itto can cause chaos with his Geo-infused Claymore, dealing significant area-of-effect damage with his normal and charged attacks.

The main reason Itto does not reach the first position in this list is that his team isn't suitable for all situations. For example, Itto's ideal teammate, Gorou, is designed for Geo characters who focus on defense, which restricts Itto's versatility.
1. Navia
Navia proves to be an outstanding Geo DPS, with her damage output rivaling that of Itto. Relying on ATK and Crystallized Reactions for damage enables her to pair effectively with top-tier characters who can enhance her damage further. Characters such as Bennett, Xiangling, Furina, and Zhongli all contribute to maximizing the potential of the Commander-in-Chief of the Spina di Rosula.

Although Navia has achieved a top rank in our list of best Claymore characters in Genshin Impact 2024, she still cannot outperform Itto when facing multiple enemies, especially if her Elemental Skill misses. In such situations, Itto undoubtedly outshines her and takes the crown. Navia vs Itto: Who is the better Geo DPS? You can check it out here.
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