Genshin Impact Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain event is coming tomorrow. This is the last mini event for Travelers to farm Primogems in Version 4.4. Let's check out the best tips and tricks to win this event and farm materials quickly before the next version starts.

I. Event Schedule & Eligibility

Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain takes place between Feb 29th and March 11th, 2024. You must complete the Archon Quest 'Song of the Dragon and Freedom' in Mondstadt to be eligible for this event. Besides, only players above Adventure Rank 20 can take part in this event.

During this new Genshin Impact 4.4 event, eligible participants have to investigate unusual Hilichurl camps in Dadaupa George, Mondstadt. You need some tips and tricks to avoid being spotted by the Hilichurls and complete missions.

Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain Event

II. Tips To Win Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain

To investigate the Hilichurl camps full of enemies, you need to have some wise tips and strategies to complete investigation missions. Firstly, you must go to the designated Hilichurl tribe to start investigating strange activities there and debunk unusual events inside these tribes. Follow these guide and tips.

#1. Use the Eye of Upano

You will receive an exclusive gadget called Eye of Upano for this event. Before investigating the designated camp, you must prepare well by equiping this gadget and choose a safe location where you can be hidden and attach the Eye of Upano to certain Slimes and Hilichurls in the camp.

When they move around the camp, they will bring this gadget to different corners, then you can check every activity in their tribe and find out unusual ones. This gadget works as a secret camera. You can transfer it among slimes and hilichurls in the tribe to check every corner of the camp.

Attach the The Eye Of Upano to Hilichurls and Slimes.

#2. Avoid Samachurls

Samachurls are capable of spotting you through this disguise. Therefore, you must avoid transfering the gadget to these types of Hilichurl members. Investigators can distract Samachurls by activating various mechanisms.

#3. Invistigate the Mysterious Statues

Try to transfer the camera carefully and follow Hilichurls/Slimes to the deepest areas of the strange camp. Then, seek and investigate the Mysterious Statues to complete the mission.

Invistigate the Mysterious Statues deep inside the camp.

#4. Defeat the Large Samachurl

After complete the investigation, Travelers can access to a domain where they have to defeat an unusual Samachurl with great health and power. Pick the given objects on the battlefield to buff your attacks and fight off the large Samachurl.

Defeat the Large Samachurl in the final domain.

III. Event Rewards

Journey Through Hilinigmatic Terrain is a mini-event in Genshin Impact 4.4. So, you can farm 420 Primogems after completing all event objectives and domains. Besides, participants can be rewarded with Mora, Mystic Ores, Hero's Wits, and Weapon Ascension Materials for completed missions.

Don't miss this chance to earn more Primogems for upcoming banners in Version 4.5. Chiori and many rerun characters are coming soon.

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