After Genshin Impact Maintenance, Genshin Impact players will receive 900 Primogems and 5,000 Realm Currencies for compensation. Check out the reason here.

Server Down Compensation

As usual, the Genshin Impact server will be down for five hours after the update release. During that maintenance time, you cannot enter the game. Each player will receive 300 Primogems of compensation for the maintenance.

In addition, the game sends you 300 Primogems for Version 2.6 issue fix compensation. Here are some fixed issues after the maintenance time.

  • The ability Sesshou Sakura of Yae Miko would attack enemies at random.
  • When you trigger some artifacts or weapons while sprinting, their effects may not be applied normally under certain circumstances.

Now, those errors were fixed and you have a better gaming experience after the update. Just download and enter the game to check it out now.

All Genshin Impact players will get 600 Primogems for maintenance compensation.

Serenitea Pot Maintenance

Serenitea Pot is an interesting game mode for housing and creativity. It's one of the top favorite activities of many players in Genshin Impact. Therefore, the Serenitea Pot server down may make many players unpleased or annoyed.

For new updates and a better experience, Seneritea Pot Placement Function is also undergoing maintenance. During this maintenance, you cannot use the placement function for placing decorations in the Teapot Realms. The game sent players some currencies for this inconvenience, including:

  • 300 Primogems and 5000 Mora in the in-game mailbox.
  • 5,000 Realm currencies in the Serenitea Pot wallet.

The realm currency compensation is sent directly to your realm wallet. You can enter the Teapot world and check out the balance and start purchasing new decorations.

Seneritea Pot Placement Function placement function was down during the maintenance.

New Serenitea Pot Decorations

There are many new Teapot decoration items of different categories in Genshin Impact 2.6. Here are some latest furnishings and blueprints in Genshin Impact now.

  • New Furnishings: Evernight Glitterbough, Evernight Blazeshrub, Thrice-Dyed Crimson Snowmelt, and Sub-Space Cabochon: Up, Up, and Away.
  • Riches of the Realm: Leisurely Firework and Slumbering Fireworks.

There are tons of stunning furnishings and furnishing blueprints in the Teapot Realm and four Realm Styles. You can use Realm Currencies to purchase these furnishing or Blueprints.

Teapot Realm has tons of decoration items.

Moreover, you can buy many realm treasures, such as Fabric, Transient Resin, Mora, Character EXP books, and Sanctifying Unction and Essence for Artifact enhancement. Realm currencies will be regenerated at different rates based on your teapot work level. You should use these currencies wisely.

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