Scaramouche (also known as Wanderer), one of the fan favorites in recent story arcs, is going to become playable when 3.3 comes out. Recently, his entire skill set has been leaked - confirming the fact that Wanderer is going to be an Anemo DPS with normal attacks.
In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the complete Genshin Impact Wanderer Build Guide, including talents, gears and team comps. This article will refer to him as both Scaramouche and Wanderer.

1. Wanderer Skillset Overview
Before deciding on his build and gear, here's a summary of Wanderer's skill set:
Skill: Dealing damage and flying into the air, gaining bonus damage for normal and charged attacks. Charged attacks don't cost stamina while and have bigger AoE while flying. Cost "flying points" to move around. CD 6s.
Burst: Dealing AoE Anemo DMG. Ends flying effect. CD 15s.

Passive 1: Gain extra effect based on the element swirled by Skill. Max 2 effects at the same time.
- Hydro: Flying Point cap increases by 20.
- Pyro: ATK increases by 30%.
- Cryo: CRIT Rate increases by 20%.
- Electro: When Normal and Charged Attacks hit opponents, 0.6 Energy will be restored.
Passive 2: 16% chance to gain a special effect that causes one instance of air movement to be free. Fire 4 Anemo arrows when moving around with this effect. If a shot doesn't trigger the effect, the next shot will have a 12% higher chance - this means you should be able to fire Anemo arrows constantly.
2. Genshin Impact Wanderer Gameplay
From the summary above, it is pretty clear that Scaramouche's playstyle is to fly around using his skill and peppering enemies with Normal and Charged attacks.

Combining this with his low CD, the character is probably one of the easiest-to-use DPS released in Genshin so far.
Firstly you use the support characters to apply the needed elements to enemies (for example Hydro and Electro from Xingqiu and Fischl), then use Wanderer's Skill to fly and gain the extra effect from Passive 1. Afterward, just attack away and move whenever the special effect from Passive 2 triggers to release Anemo arrows.
Talent Priority
Overall, players should focus on Wanderer's Skill and Normal attack talents. His Burst could be ignored for the most part, as it ends the flying state from his Skill and is just a boring AoE attack. However, it does have a high multiplier and can still be maxed.
Best Constellations
Overall, Scaramouche's constellations are just MORE DAMAGE. Players can stop at either C0 or C2 - the latter increases his damage massively based on the difference between his current flying points and his max flying points.
C6 allows him to regain flying points by attacking, which means players can fly around permanently.
3. Wanderer Best Weapon
Overall, similar to most 5 star characters in Genshin so far, Scaramouche/Wanderer will come out with his own signature weapon - Tullaytullah’s Remembrance.

Tullaytullah’s Remembrance
- Damage: 47.54 - 674.33
- Substat: 9.6% - 44.1%
Normal Attack SPD is increased by 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%. After the wielder unleashes an Elemental Skill, Normal Attack DMG will increase by 4.8/6/7.2/8.4/9.6% every second for 12s. After this character hits an opponent with a Normal Attack during this duration, Normal Attack DMG will be increased by 9.6/12/14.4/16.8/19.2%. This increase can be triggered once every 0.3s. The maximum Normal Attack DMG increase per single duration of the overall effect is 48/60/72/84/96%. The effect will be removed when the wielder leaves the field, and using the Elemental Skill again will reset all DMG buffs.
Overall, this catalyst provides a lot of damage for normal attacks, alongside a 20% bonus attack speed. Wanderer would attack like a machine gun using it. This catalyst is also useful on Heizou.
Best Alternatives
- Skyward Atlas: Great DMG from ATK 33.1% Buff.
- Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds: Amazing CRIT Rate of 33.1% and increase Elemental DMG every 4 seconds. It takes a lot of time for the max stack to apply, however.
- The Widsith: Amazing CRIT DMG of 55.1% which makes building artifacts easier. All of Widsith's Weapon Skill effects benefit Anemo DPS, however, they have a long cooldown and therefore less consistent.
- Solar Pearl: Good CRIT Rate of 27.6%. Increases Normal Atk DMG, Elemental Skill and Burst.
4. Wanderer Best Artifacts
2 new artifact sets are going to be released in Genshin Impact 3.3. Between the two, the Desert Pavilion Chronicle set is the best set for Wanderer and all players who pull him must grind for the set. The best substats are going to be the usual ATK%/Anemo DMG bonus/Crit DMG/Crit Rate. Scaramouche doesn't need EM because his swirl is bad and players should not use him as an Anemo enabler.

Desert Pavilion Chronicle
- 2-pieces set effect: +15% Anemo DMG.
- 4-pieces set effect: After Charged Attacks hit opponents, this character's Normal Attack SPD will increase by 10% while Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG will increase by 30% for 10s.
Best Alternatives
You obviously can't have the full Desert Pavilion Chronicle set right away, so the following 2 sets are the best alternative.
- Shimenawa's Reminiscence x4: Increase Normal/Charged attack damage by 50% for 10s every time you cast E, which means Scara can have 100% uptime.
- Wanderer's Troupe x4: Increases Charged Attack DMG by 35%, which is useful as Scara's charged attacks cost no stamina while flying.
5. Genshin Impact Wanderer Team Comps
She is born to be Scaramouche's support. Her Burst increases Anemo damage of teammates by 40% at level 9, on top of a 40% Anemo RES shred. All Scaramouche main DPS teams should have Faruzan.

Yun Jin
Boost Wanderer's normal attack with a flat value that can be multiplied by other buffs. She is the perfect support for all characters who mainly use normal attacks.
Elemental Supports
Players will want to run Scara with at least 2 elemental supports to trigger his passive. While he needs field time, his Skill has a short CD of only 6 seconds so players can run just about any type. The best elements are Pyro and Cryo (30% ATK and 20% Crit rate) for more damage. Hydro is moderately useful, while Electro is useless as Scara does not need ER (You might still want to run Electro if using Shimenawa's Reminiscence x4).
- Cryo support: Layla/Shenhe/Ganyu/Diona
- Pyro support: Bennett/Xiangling/Yoimiya
- Hydro support: Yelan/Xingqiu
- Electro support: Fischl
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