Call of Duty Mobile is on fire right now, breaking a lot of records of the Mobile video game market since its release. Currently, at the top trending list of Google Playstore, Call of Duty: Mobile’s developers are trying their best to provide fans with as many new content as possible. One of those is the challenge system.

The Challenge System in Call of Duty Mobile is a great way to earn more Credits

Currently, there are two challenges active in the game: Free for all and Battle Royale. By completing tasks in the Battle Royale mode, participating players would receive free crates, Credits, and a few more related rewards.

Below are the currently active tasks of the Battle Royale mode:

The first and second task would have you kill ten enemies for 100 credits and a Crate. The third task would reward 100 credits for 2 matches completed. It is best that you go for this aggressively, as the challenges do not require you to win the match.

As a match of the Battle Royale mode is pretty long, you would have to be very careful

The final 2 tasks require you to reach the top 10 in 2 matches to get another 150 credits and a crate. Play safe in this one, as you only have to survive until there are less than 10 players left.

Here are the currently active tasks for the Free For All Multiplayer challenge – they are pretty similar to tasks from the previous category, however, you have to complete them in Multiplayer mode.

The free for all mode is just you against every other player in the map - your chance to get a decent number of kills is way higher in this mode

The first three tasks would have you play and win at least one match to get 200  Credits. The second match played would further unlock a Crate.

The fourth and fifth tasks would rewards players based on their kill score in the mode. The first 100 kills would grant them 150 credits and the second 100 kills would unlock yet another Crate. 200 kills might at first seem to be a big number, however, as you are alone against the world in the Free For All mode, getting to that number is not an impossible challenge. Furthermore, as Free For All is a limited mode at the moment, you would have to get all the matches in fast to unlock all the challenges before they are gone.

Interested in more of our Call of Duty Mobile related content? Please check out this post for a guide about the Assault Rifle class in Call of Duty Mobile.