PUBG Mobile season 13 has come a few days ago. Only the top 500 players of each server can receive the Conqueror title. Here’re tips to reach Conqueror Tier in this season soon. Check it out with
Push Rank Right From The Beginning Of Season 13
You need to push rank right in the first week of the new season. Pushing rank as soon as possible is the first tip to reach the highest tier quickly. Moreover, it would be much easier to get high tiers if you begin soon because most players tend to push rank when it’s about to end.

Loot More Supplies For Survival
If you want to earn more rank points and reach this high tier soon, you need to play safe. Instead of looting too much ammo for combat, you need to collect stuff for survival. When there are around 20 players on the battleground, it’s better to play safe and try to get to the top 10 alive. So, you may need 6-7 smoke grenades to make a cover, and first-aid kits to stay alive from the electric zone and rush into the safe zone.

Stick To The Edge Of Circles
Zone prediction is an important skill to get Chicken Dinner in every match. But it’s hard to predict the safe zone accurately. If you are a pro player, you may guess the right area the next circle shrinks into. But if you cannot, you should stay near the edge of the zone to enter the safe zone as soon as possible.

Have A Good Track
At the beginning of the season, you should try to kill as many bots and noobs as possible to reach Platinum and Diamond tiers. But once you reach the Crown tier, try to survive till the end of the match as the ultimate player on the battleground to earn more points.

Grab A Good Set Of Weapons
For each game mode, you need different sets of weapons to play and win. In Solo matches, let’s grab two AR guns like AKM and M416. In Duo games, it’s better to have an SR or DMR while equipping you with a good AR or SMG. A good gun combo should be an M416 and a Mini14 or SLR. For Squad matches, you choose the weapon combo based on your squad role. If you are a sniper, grab a good sniper gun like Kar98K or M24 with a strong AR like AKM or M416.