The OB26, Project Cobra update in Free Fire has brought many new features and updates. Among those new features, we have a new shotgun in the game called the MAG-7. Along with other old shotguns such as the M1887, the M1014, and the SPAS, we have a total of 4 shotguns in Free Fire.

Mag7 Vs M1887 Free Fire

Shotguns are the best type of weapon in Free Fire for close-range combats. They usually have high damage, low effective range, and a slow rate of fire. However, the MAG-7 was introduced in the OB26 update as a mid-range weapon with a high rate of fire.

Here, we will compare the new MAG-7 vs the M1887, the king of shotguns in Free Fire.

MAG-7 vs M1887 Stats Comparison

MAG-7 M1887
Damage 89 100
Rate of Fire 53 42
Range 15 10
Reload 55 55
Magazine 8 2
Accuracy 10 10
Movement Speed 62 62
Armor Penetration 0 54

The MAG-7 has less damage than the M1887 but it has a higher rate of fire as well as range. Both weapons have the same Reload Speed, Accuracy, and Movement Speed.

The MAG-7 has a bigger magazine but the M1887 has Armor Penetration, which is quite deadly.

Mag7 Vs M1887

MAG-7 vs M1887 DPS Comparison

MAG-7 M1887
1 m 358 DPS 837 DPS
5 m 373 DPS 600 DPS

We have used the new dummy feature in the Training Room to test the damage of the MAG-7 and the M1887 on a target with Level 2 Armor. The result is that The M1887 completely out damage the MAG-7. However, the damage of the M1887 falls off harder when the target is far away. And since the M1887 only has 2 rounds per magazine, it needs to finish the enemy in 2 shots or they will run away.

The MAG-7, however, is more consistent at both ranges. It also has a bigger magazine of 8 rounds so you have more chance to finish the enemy even if you miss one or two shots.

Also check out: Everything You Need To Know About The MAG-7 Free Fire In OB26 Update