Apart from being the most-played battle royale game on mobile devices, PUBG Mobile is also known for a series of ‘WTF’ in-game moments. In the recent PMWL East Finals, such a moment already took place during Match 12 between Orange Rock, SynerGE, RRQ Athena, and King of Gamers.

RRQ Athena is a well-known PUBG Mobile team in Thailand.

The quirky moment happened when almost all the players were gathering near the waterside. RRQ’s D2E started to jump over KoG’s BRAGA but somehow he was unable to realize this guy at all. However, D2E was also out of BRAGA’s sight too and luckily, he immediately took down the KoG player in seconds.

While D2E was looking for OR’s GiLL and trying to take him out, SynerGE’s Ted made himself hidden out behind a rock to withstand against three RRQ players and secure the Placement Points for his comrades. In the meantime, Beer11 and Earnny did all their best to kick Ted out of his safe area by throwing a few grenades at the rock, but all went missing.

RRQ Athena already put lots of effort into Ted as D2E dived into the water to investigate the location and the others stood by the shore to keep eyes on potential threats. Even though it seemed to be a tough mission for Ted, this guy managed to get a tiny ridge then made use of the swimming animation to punch D2E to death.

Earnny and Beer11 knew his teammate’s accident. They began swimming toward Ted but failed to find a ridge to fight against him. The situation became more struggling for all players due to the restricted zone. Ted had a good position to take down Beer11 and the game turned into a 1vs1 match. However, Ted had lower health and he finally lost the "chicken dinner" to RRQ’s Earnny after seconds of trying pushing him out of the safe zone.

This year's PMWL Season Zero was held online from August 6th to 9th.

Because of the ongoing global epidemic and lockdown orders, all matches in PUBG Mobile World League (PMWL) East Finals Season Zero 2020 were held online from August 6th to 9th.