One Piece Bounty Rush, an amazing One Piece-based game, is about to be released on mobile by Bandai Namco! While this is good news for anime lovers, the game will feature a battle-focused style with 4x4 real-time fights.

If you have finished watching or reading the entirety of One Piece until now, you may come up with some great squad including characters that can co-op well to defeat the enemy. The possibilities are basically infinite, and the only limitation here is your imagination.

One Piece Bounty Rush will feature a 4x4 battle-like style so you can compete with other players to decide who is the greatest pirate!

You will have the ability to establish your squad by choosing from more than 40 figures that were featured all through the anime, from the iconic Monkey D Luffy to many more characters such as Buggy, Zoro, Usopp, or Shanks.

In the game, you should depend on collaboration so as to finish various missions that range from pirate fights to flag-capturing and many more challenging tasks.

You also will need to gather as many berries and plunder as possible to ensure that your group has the most powerful stats toward the end of a match so as to defeat the opponents.

Up to this point, One Piece Bounty Rush is the 2nd One Piece-based game launched by Bandai Namco on mobile devices, after the 2015 arrival of One Piece Treasure Cruise. That title is still one of the most exciting One Piece RPG-Adventure games that you should definitely try while anticipating for the new one to be released.

The game will be accessible freely not long from now on every single mobile platform. There isn't any notice of in-app purchases now but we probably can expect some, at least with cosmetic stuff.

Watch: One Piece Bounty Rush's trailer below: