Prior to the official release of Call of Duty Mobile, the beta version was updated with instructions on playing the game with controllers. However, Activision has pulled the support afterward, due to various concerns about game balance. While the function is not here yet, it is very likely that it would be added to the game in the future.

The previously available controller support

In a recent community post of the official Call of Duty Mobile account, the developers have acknowledged the concerns and demands from fans about the controller issue. According to the article, the controller support feature is currently being tested. They are taking their time to make sure the feature is implemented properly and is balanced gameplay-wise.

The main concern against Call of Duty Mobile having controller support is about game balance. According to reviews from players, a controller would definitely give players an edge over touchscreens in doing most action, as the touchscreen is rather cumbersome. However, this might balance itself out since the touchscreen might have an advantage when it comes to aiming.

There are some third party controller that could still work

While the existence of a Call of Duty Mobile controller support system is still unknown, the aforementioned post from the developers should serve as an assurance that they are working on it.

In the meantime, there should be an update coming very soon to Call of Duty Mobile this October 14. After the free-for-all, double exp weekend, a classic “something” would be revealed today. It is unclear what the developers are referring to, however, it is very likely to be a map or new game mode. There are quite a few modes yet to be ported to the game, such as Gun Game and Kill Confirmed.

Controlling the action of your characters with the touchscreen might be too cumbersome

The new update would also be combined with a performance boost across all supported devices, along with bug fixes on miscellaneous features such as Facebook logins, voice chat, installation, and friend lists.

Interested in more of our Call of Duty related articles? Please check out this post for a complete guide for Call of Duty Mobile's Assault Rifle class.