PUBG Mobile is getting 2 new events, the first one is Walking Dead related, with skins of the two characters from the series available in the shop. The second one is free PMSC 2019 related goodies.

PUBG Corps and Tencent have added Michonne & Negan’s costume along with their weapons, a katana, and a bat, into the “possible purchases” list. The content would be available for a limited time until Dec 19 – get them now if you are a fan of the series.

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The two skins available in this event... for a limited time

PMSC 2019 is almost here – the event would start on Dec 12, with 32 teams from all over the world entering a contest for the grand prize of three hundred thousand dollars. It would only last for three days, with the grand finals being only five maps. Similar to any other events, PUBG Mobile is bringing out some exclusive event rewards for players. By voting for their favorite teams during the event, players could obtain the Agent Parachute and PMSC World Cup Agent T-shirt. Below are the steps to collect the prize:

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Vote in the PMSC event to get the free shirt and parachute skin

First, you need to login anytime between now and Dec 11 and complete the daily quests in-game. Only by clearing them, would you be able to access tickets for voting. Rewards would then be sent to players through mails in PUBG Mobile. These items would last permanently.

PMSC World Cup would be the last big PUBG Mobile tournament this year. It would take place in Saudi Arabia's capital Riyadh and Entity Gaming would be the sole representation of India at the event. Below is the list of the 32 teams that would be participating in the tournament.

The 32 teams that are going to participate in the tournament

Each country would get a single ticket, except for the MENA (the Middle East and North America) region, which would get 16 tickets divided amongst them. Interested in more of our PUBG Mobile updates? Please check out this post for the new features that would come in the next patch of PUBG Mobile.