AKM is one of the most powerful assault rifles in PUBG Mobile. Moreover, this gun is pretty hard to control due to its high recoil. Check out this guide on how to master this powerful AR here.
PUBG Mobile AKM Completed Guide
The high base damage of AKM makes it one of the most favorite weapons in PUBG Mobile. For example, you can kill an enemy with a headshot in one shot only if he doesn't wear a helmet. As its damage to the head is much higher, you should always shoot to the head of the targets.

For example, you only need two shots to the head to knock down the enemy with a level-3 helmet. It also has a pretty good DPS of 470, so you can shoot 10 bullets per second with AKM. However, its bullet velocity is lower than 5.56 ARs.

Thus, it's not as good as 5.56 ARs when you shoot moving targets due to low bullet speed and high recoil. You need an AR compensator to reduce the vertical recoil of this gun. The suppressor will increase the horizontal recoil of later bullets.

AKM is more stable and steady than M762 but a lot of players prefer Beryl M762. You should change your mind and try praying with AKM. The best scope for this gun is the 2x scope and red dot.

If you use a long-range scope to spray in middle-range combat, it can be hard to control the gun recoil. Therefore, you should only use it to spray bullets in close combat and have a stable weapon for mid-range combat.

This AR is a good weapon for early combat, especially when you land on hot-spot locations, such as Georgopol or Pochinki. In those crowded cities, you will have to engage in close combat every early. Moreover, this gun is pretty popular and easy to find.