It's the most wonderful time of the year again and Tencent is going to bring all the good boys and girls in PUBG Mobile a lot of presents. According to leaks from the PUBG Mobile China beta version, the game is going to have a new crate shotgun called "DBS," a freeze gun, the "Extreme Cold" mode, a Christmas bomb, allow players to ride Santa's magical sleigh on the sky and lots more. Let take a close look at all of them below.

Freeze Gun

Huge Update New Gun Dbs Snow Gun Drone More Pubg M B9d9_wm
You will be able to freeze enemies for 3 seconds with this gun

Coming with the winter is a new gun that releases cold air and freezes anyone in its AOE after one to two seconds. The affected person will be frozen for 3 seconds and won't be able to do anything at all. After 3 seconds, they will turn back to normal and immune to the freeze gun for a few seconds. They won't lose any health unless you hit them with other weapons because the freeze gun doesn't deal damage. The effective range of this weapon is fairly short, only about a few meters. But it can freeze all players in its area at once.

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You can freeze multiple players at the same time, even your teammates

This weapon is super effective at close range combat as it can affect a large area in front of it. That means you don't ever have to worry about not hitting the enemy, just keep holding the fire button. When they are frozen, 3 seconds is more than enough to do whatever you want.

Another use of this weapon is to prank your teammate. As we all know, players cannot shoot their teammates but this can go that with this gun and freeze them for a good laugh. But don't overdo it or do it in random squads so you don't get banned.

Extreme Cold mode

You can find branches to put up a fire and warm yourself

The Extreme Cold mode was once introduced in PUBG Mobile before and was later removed. In this mode, other players will not be the only thing you have to deal with. The winter is bringing the snow to Erangel along with its harsh deathly cold. Every five minutes, the whole map will be covered by a crazy snowstorm and decrease your temperature to the point that you can die. Each snowstorm will last for 90 seconds. You will die within the first 30 seconds if you can't find anything to warm yourself up (hiding in a building won't do anything).  There will be a temperature bar under your health bar to indicate your temperate. Your health will start dropping once the bar is red.

The fire will last for 15 seconds and keep you warm

Luckily, the mode provides plenty of ways for you to keep yourself warm. There are branches that are speared around the map, you can pick them up and put them on fire when the snowstorm starts. Stay close to the fire and your temperature will increase continuously. The fire will last for 15 seconds. Another way to keep your temperature up is by hunting animals around the map such as deers or chickens to get meat and cook them with fire. This meat won't increase your health, but it will keep you warm to survive the cold.

Hunt chickens and deers to get meat to cook them

There is one more way to keep yourself warm, using "emergency heat patches." They are items that you can find on the map. It will boost your temperate up for 30 seconds. However, it is a very rare item, might even rarer than the Flare Gun.

Christmas Bomb

The bomb will make you .. dance

Christmas bomb will be a new exclusive item for this holiday season only. It will explode on impact and cause affected players to... dance randomly for a few seconds, including you and your teammates. Apart from being a good weapon, it is also a good tool to have fun with your friends or celebrate your victory.

Santa's Sleigh And Chicken Dinner Animation

Instead of riding helicopters, you will get to hop on Santa's Sleigh and fly under the moonlight sky of Erangel. The airplane that drops crates will also be replaced with Santa riding his sleigh with 6 of his reinsurers dropping huge presents.

You will get a trophy from an airdrop for winning a game

The DBS shotgun will also be added to the game soon. This is a double-barrel with a 12-bullet magazine. You can only find it in airdrop crates and has an effective range of up to 50 meters.

The Chicken Dinner victory will become even tastier with a new animation. When you win, a crate will drop down from the sky and reveal a trophy for your character to hold it up.