Honey Badger is the best close-range firearm in PUBG Mobile 2023. Let's check out the power information and some tips to master this close-range rifle here. It's a new great option for hip-fire and close combat this year.

#1. Damage Information

Honey Badger has the lowest damage point per single hit in comparison with other 7.62mm assault rifles like AKM, Groza, Beryl, and ACE32. It deals only 42.9 HP/hit. So, you shouldn't use it for single shots.

But it has a significantly higher rate of fire than other 7.62 firearms. This new gun can shoot 11.6 bullets per second while AKM and Beryl can release 10 and 10.6 bullets per second.

Honey Badger Bullet Velocity
Honey Badger has the fastest firing rate among 7.62 ARs.

This makes the damage point per second of Honey Badger still comparable with legendary ARs. This new firearm deals 497 damage per second, enough to take down the opponent in an eye blink if you shoot accurately. Honey Badger's DPS is even higher than that of Beryl (486), AKM (479), ACE32 (477), and M416 (433).

#2. Reload Speed

Apart from power, the reloading speed is also a decisive factor of a firearm, especially in strained combat. Honey Badger reloads in only 2.2 seconds without any type of quickdraw mag, which is significantly faster than other 7.62 ARs. Therefore, lots of pro players prefer Honey Badger.

Honey Badger Power
Honey Badger can reload bullets quickly.

#3. Accuracy & Hip-Fire

Accuracy is the most critical factor of any rifle, which decides its practical damage output. Though its vertical recoil is pretty high, which is somehow equal to the vertical recoil height of AKM, Honey Badger almost doesn't have horizontal recoil.

Therefore, you only have to pull its barrel down when spraying bullets. It's much easier than controlling other ARs as its barrel does not sway at all. Then, you don't have to swing the aim point.

Honey Badger Accuracy
Honey Badger does not swing side by side.

This great accuracy makes Honey Badger the best 7.62mm gun for hip-firing. Just pull the aim at the enemy's head level and hold the fire button. As its barrel does not swing at all, you can

#4. Bullet Velocity

Bullet Velocity is not a strong point of Honey Badger. Its bullet speed is about 700m/s, which is in between those of AKM and Beryl. Therefore, this new rifle works better in mid-range and short-range firing. Moreover, you should switch to M416 to spray moving vehicles.

Honey Badger
Honey Badger is not effective in long-range combat.

#5. Attachments

You can attach an extended quickdraw mag, silencer, and a red dot or 2x scope to your Honey Badger. But this rifle still performs well without attachment. The red dot will help you aim better in short and mid-range combat as this sight attachment does not block large areas of vision.

Honey Badger Pubg Mobile
Honey Badger still performs well without attachments.

In conclusion, Honey Badger is the best close-combat AR in PUBG Mobile 2023. It performs stably and impressively in face-to-face situations like SMGs, but it deals higher damage than SMGs. That's why, it's a trending PUBG Mobile firearm this year.

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